Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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mercoledì 27 aprile 2016

The European Union on the verge of dissolution

There may be a series of coincidences such as to create a negative political situation to endanger the survival of the European Union, at least in its present form. The current historical moment, in fact, seems to be the most dangerous to the supranational organization in Brussels since its creation. The European Union faces a number of challenges, which appear difficult to overcome, if already taken individually, but added together they appear a very difficult obstacle to overcome, without adequate corrective to Community policies as a whole. The first challenge is the possible exit of Britain: if, on the one hand, the economic effects in the long run, might even prove to be positive for Brussels, the London abandonment political backlash would be able to open a number of fronts able to favor especially the eurosceptic parties and address on the English via other countries. Then there is the internal problem connected to the output by the European Union of Great Britain, but not shared by Wales and Scotland, which, then, would open their exit from the UK, encouraging similar behavior of regions aspiring to achieve its sovereignty the most striking case is the Catalonia. Although these territories are opposed to an exit from Brussels, their eventual secession from the states of origin would represent a strong factor altering the internal balance of the union, capable of generating new conflicts between the center and the periphery. Then there is the return of the greek case, Athens is still struggling with a difficult debt situation because of choice, mainly the German Government, to apply the country a highly restrictive policy, which prevents an economy enough to repay debts . The suffering of the greek people, which is the culmination of what is required from Berlin is the realization of what the current European Union has departed from its founding principles, which were to bring to the center the growth of welfare of citizens, rather than that of banks and finance. This factor has led to considerable doubts about the quality of Europe, even in those social sectors who believed in the institution of Brussels, weakening it further. But still not enough: the issue of refugees and the division of their assistance has created deep disagreements among states, jeopardizing the Schengen agreement and creating a rift, increasingly unbridgeable, between the southern states and those of the north and of 'east, where there were intemperate stance towards refugees, especially from countries ruled by right-executive, who have already reported to the diminishing respect for civil rights. The last case, that of Austria which has deployed its police in anti-riot gear on the border with Italy keeps track of how relations have deteriorated, perhaps up to a point of no return. Scrolling through all these situations and analyzing them even superficially, it seems difficult not to predict their development in the most negative sense for the European Union, which in the case, will inevitably revise several aspects of your organization. A first reaction, for example, the attitude of the Eastern countries, already threatened by some states, is to cut its contributions in their favor; it must be recalled that the Eastern nations receive in financial aid from Brussels more than they help to give the total budget of the union. A coercive form of this kind is certainly desirable for those who do not fulfill their duties in the division of charges and does not respect the social rights of its citizens. Certainly this option will raise disagreements, but it could also open up a solution to a smaller Europe, and built on the basis of shared rules and not really determined by convenience accessions. He will insist on maintaining a common institution of the many countries with little or nothing in common, if not the geographical location, it is only worthwhile to those who want to take advantage of the large availability of labor at low cost and have access to a wider market; but these characteristics alone are not enough to support a project that needs to be more ambitious. This scenario must be the occasion for a re-discussion of the European Union, based on its rules and its objectives, and it must begin, first of all, by its founding members; more than the creation of a two-speed Europe, based on economic values, you must create a multi-speed on political, social and civil: a kind of the starting mechanism to arrive at a Union only where there is full sharing initial values, restored by a deep analysis on the behavior of individual states, who can predict ua range of sanctions whose point must be the exclusion Union and its advantages. The only way to create a supra-national institution capable of governing the contingent difficulties in an egalitarian way for the acceding States, without failure or disadvantages. Hence, finally, you will leave for the continent political union, conversely the future is the dissolution of a political Europe, which will be at the end of the single currency and a return to pre-existing fragmentation, totally unsuitable for the challenges, yet tougher, that the evolution of globalization will force the entire world.

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