Politica Internazionale

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mercoledì 27 settembre 2017

Macron's vision for Europe

The French president has called Europe too weak, slow and ineffective, negative requirements that prevent the Union from facing the world's challenges, which are increasingly faced with the need to be resolved. According to the tenant of the Eliseo, it is necessary to protect Europe from the growing burden of populism and nationalism, which have the purpose of destroying the common European home. The recipes to stem these phenomena and the general distrust of the people to Brussels are different in order to reach a plurality of goals, which, if combined, can make Europe decisive progress for its survival. The central points of the French President's program concern the sovereignty of Europe, understood as a political center able to give concrete directions to government action, the United Europe, as a means to create an identity capable of sharing and Europe's democracy, which must necessarily include less sluggish and complicated decision-making and abandon the unanimity principle in favor of the majority. A large European sovereignty is functional to the establishment of a European military force, an agency against terrorism, an action against climate change, and the ability to govern migrations. The theme of common defense could become easier to accomplish after Britain's exit, which had been the biggest opponent. An army based on a continent and made up of military personnel from various national armed forces is a requirement that has always been considered essential to be able to play a leading role in the world scenario; China's growth and US disengagement, whose protection Europe has held a passive attitude, requires a change in the long-standing attitude of Brussels, also with the aim of having greater diplomatic relevance and succeeding in achieving that qualitative leap from financial union to politics. Certainly, in order to do this, it is necessary to speed up the process of political unity on the basis of effectively shared values ​​and overcome the concept of convenience that so many damages have created in relations between member states. To do this, it is also necessary to initiate a process of democratization both on the side of the decisions, overcoming the concept of unanimity, which constitutes a blockage due to the excess of mediation, and on the side of the passive electorate, which must overcome the concept of the list national policy in favor of the development of transnational lists and parties, which must be the lab of ideas capable of overcoming national distrust and national interests in favor of supranational ones. The French President has expressed a program for Europe that can be shared, but that is, in fact, incomplete. Again, the hints of the economy and, above all, the redistribution of income are few and ineffective. It is not enough to require taxpayers to pay taxes, or to think of setting up, without going too far in detail, a tax on financial transactions to be devoted to development, in order to gain the confidence of the average citizen who has suffered years of harassment for economic and financial crises she did not blame, but she had to bear the costs. The French president comes from the financial world and would do well to emphasize these aspects, which are absent, to dispel any misunderstanding. If the creation of a common armed force and other solutions conceived by Macron are right, they do not seem sufficient if they are not integrated with the economic growth of families. The French president, perhaps, wanted to demonstrate his leadership towards a Germany changed by the electoral outcome, where the weight of the liberals, advocates of fiscal rigidity, threatens the economic growth of a France already burdened by a substantial debt . Probably Macron's intentions are to come to an agreement, thanks to the development of greater European unity: on the one hand a need and on the other a desire.

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