giovedì 16 giugno 2016

The dangerous European Union immediate future

The French agriculture policies and social conditions, combined with the increasingly pressing danger of terrorist acts and the possibility output of Britain by the European Union, they paint a scenario with the highly elevated levels of danger for Brussels and all euro area countries European. The French situation seems now, represent the most pressing emergency, even more of the same consequences as the result of the British referendum. The level of social conflict, following the reform of the proposed work by the government in Paris, reports a situation of increasing instability, which follows a broad social dissatisfaction, which was not intentionally taken into account. The French executive is aligned with his behavior to that of most other European countries, who have chosen a compression of rights at work, sacrificed in the name of greater flexibility and productivity. By contrast the same parameters were not applied to the operating conditions of banks and financial institutions, which have enjoyed subsidies and a freedom of maneuver unjustified, especially in relation to made disasters. In France, the social base has proved, however, passive hand than in other countries and the level of confrontation, it soon became a variable in which the French government apparently had not taken into account. The high adhesion to strikes and boycotts of the normal functioning of the country show a willingness to fight, which is a seemingly insurmountable problem for the government. SI is a highly explosive situation, which could degenerate into even violent situations. You need not what the so-called French May produced in the sixties of last century, going to affect everything a continental protest movement; the fear of many analysts is that a similar situation will occur and that the discontent already present in the other countries will turn to violent actions or otherwise tending to boycott the functioning of countries. A sort of cross agitation able to put across the European Union to its knees. Think of a combination of this scenario with the release of the UK union: in the short term could mean a decline in the financial markets and the creation of a situation of social danger, able to alter the European balance. Needless to say, this would create the ideal situation for the affirmation of European anti movements, already strong without these conditions, with the possible result of a significant alteration of the law on which is based in Brussels. The real risk is that the England output tapers a domino effect, but the possibility is the same, due to the influence of the French unrest, which are based on the opposition of the reduction of workers' rights. He seems useless to emphasize that broad sections of society in the European continent are exasperated impoverishment suffered for their sins and not to materially support the burden of the crisis in a situation where the increase in inequality is one more reason to stand against the current system. Then we must not forget the problem of terrorism, which in a situation of fragility of political systems find more opportunities for affirmation and proselytism, especially in those social groups determinants of countries, which are subject to religious extremism. To complete the scenario one can quote the ninth issue of migration, which carries two different pressures on the states of the union, the first consists of the same management of the problem, with the resistance of some countries to engage on this front and the second, consequence of the first, are the tensions that are created on the nations for different commitments for the resolution of the problem itself. If these differences will raise the comparison of the diplomatic tone, it can not be taken avoidable net position which can produce sanctions, further aggravating element of the dialectic within the union. As we see the immediate future that lies ahead is far from easy to resolve and the behavior of Brussels and state seems totally inadequate. The center of Europe seems to lead a management from normal business operations, without understanding the extraordinary nature of the current situation, while each country seems to proceed as an independent right of small gift with cabotage decisions that lose sight of the common framework and, above all, do not embrace long scenarios period. Await the outcome of the British referendum with such a passive mode denotes a unconsciousness unsuited to the government of such vast and important areas, as well as continue to disregard the needs of citizens and force them to accept decisions fell from above, it can only produce failure perhaps irreparable.

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