giovedì 31 maggio 2018

Greece fears Italian contagion

Italian issues will be able to have concrete effects even outside the borders of the country and above all in the weaker European economies. The first country to fear this scenario is Greece, which is starting to leave the controlled administration. The general strike that took place on Wednesday, the first of the year, signals the difficulty of the Greek population in the face of the sacrifices imposed by Brussels. After a decade of forced austerity, Athens fears that the repercussions of the Italian crisis may nullify the efforts made. On the eve of the approval of the last revision of the Greek economic bailout, the government of Athens boasts the results obtained, claiming an unexpected ability on the part of the country to achieve its own stability, functional to the stability of the area of ​​the single European currency, however the level of indebtedness of the Greek country still appears too high to guarantee a secure security of Greece. What Athens strongly fears to see the economic results, which see the positive sign, for the first time since 2009, because of an effect of influence of the Italian crisis, both from the financial point of view and from the political point of view. The goal of the government is to reach the end of the legislature and make the election in 2019, this would allow to finish the executive plans and hope for a positive solution of the political crisis in Rome, to defuse the danger of the formations contrary to europe and on sovereign positions. A possible affirmation of this political part could jeopardize the current results, to put Greece in a position of strong criticism against Brussels. Fear is legitimate: one thing is that negotiations with Europe are carried out by a government convinced of the European choice, another is to have as an interlocutor an executive formed by exponents strongly adverse to Brussels. Certainly this scenario could contribute to an Italian government on positions of strong criticism, even if partly legitimate, towards the European bodies. Also because the European support amounts to about 300,000 million euros since 2010 and is a major obstacle to loosening relations with the Union. However, the worsening of the Greeks, such as the deregulation of the labor market, the possible increase in the disposal of public goods, which are part of a system of austerity that has created poverty and strong disillusionment with the European institution, remain as concrete arguments. understood as the common home of the peoples; the perception, as also happened in Italy, is always that of a Europe not in favor of the citizens, but of the great finance and in general of the phantom powers. Against these convictions, the Greek government will essentially have to find the right balance between the instruments to reduce the debt, always hoping that Brussels will begin to fulfill its institutional task towards the European citizens.

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