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venerdì 12 settembre 2014

The errors of Obama have led to the current situation

Obama is now facing a very serious situation in the Middle East, and was also due to its lack of a decision against the Syrian issue. The desire not to get into a conflict difficult and basically not supported by their allies, especially those in Europe, gave birth to the idea of ​​chemical weapons destruction of the regime in Damascus, as against per game not to intervene in the conflict. The hesitancy of the White House, afraid of being in a replica of Afghanistan and Iraq, while understandable, has created a short-sighted attitude, the negative effects of which can be seen today, with the growth of the caliphate and the obligation to drive, exhausting through diplomatic negotiations, a coalition in which the United States will still be in command and will have to use its military resources for intervention. Not a few analysts had forecast a difficult future when the United States had taken a back seat in the conflict in Syria. A remedial action at the right time would have eliminated the Assad regime and, more importantly, prevented the birth of the Islamic State. The resistance to the intervention caused the cooling of relations with the Gulf states, which have left the American control, and to pursue their own interests, the supremacy on Iran, they have funded opposition parties in Damascus from which it was formed the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. It must also be said that the lack of support for the democratic opposition have fostered the initial alliance of these groups with the most extremist parties, these agreements soon foundered, have given way to infighting within the Syrian opposition, who have not done nothing but encouraging people to stay in power, albeit on a reduced area of Assad. The current situation is that the dictator of Damascus can find itself in a useful position in Washington's anti Islamic state, but that this need it legitimate, as head of state, in front of the world stage. In light of these developments it is incomprehensible how the United States have remained largely inactive while the Syrian tragedy was developing. It is not enough the specter Russian, while Syria may have been sacrificed to dialogue with Tehran, however, no analysis could have predicted the current economic and military development of the Islamic state. Not that this is an excuse for Obama and his collaborators: the lack of foresight in foreign policy is a grave sin for those who aspire to be the first world power. A partial excuse the administration of the White House, however, must be regarded as the serious economic situation and the internal opposition that he never fully understood the scope of the events and the subsequent collaboration with the government. It must then be considered an even broader view, the fragmentation of world power, has not created national powers able to play the role that the United States has played so far: China is an economic giant, but politically it is called out in compliance of his doctrine of non-intervention, which may not be a action worthy of a world power; Russia, despite the intentions of Putin, is a major regional power, the EU is too divided to be considered a global force, but only at the political level. In this scenario the United States, however, are not grown up. Despite Obama's efforts to free itself from the idea of ​​an imperialist power, the United States has given the impression that turn in on themselves, no longer fulfilling the tasks they were assigned parking. But the errors were not only conceptual in nature: the poor handling of the issue of Iraq has contributed greatly to the destabilization of the Middle East and is to be hoped that this is not repeated in Afghanistan, where it could potentially create a new Islamic state this only once more to the east. To correct errors of Obama has stepped up diplomatic political action of its own secretary of state, who has woven a dense texture of contacts that could lead to interesting developments, however, this choice contrasts with the urgency that requires the resolution of the conflict of the caliphate. The humanitarian emergency created unease as the attractiveness of potential new recruits for Islamic terrorism, that the caliphate is having on young Muslims from all over the world and which will, once back at home ordnance human potential, requires, among other reasons, to solutions that appear already too late. Obama must, at this stage of his presidency, takes a more decision maker, even if it means going against their own public opinion and their constituents, it is an investment not to be remembered as a mediocre president in foreign policy.

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