The humanitarian emergency determined by the influx of refugees and displaced persons has risen significantly due to the expansion of the situation of the presence of conflicts in the world. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has reported that in the first half of 2014 the exodus regarded well 5.5 million people, of whom 1.4 million have fled their country and the rest remained in other areas within the borders of your country. Worst case scenarios regarding the areas of the Middle East and Africa, where they are sliders bloodiest conflicts, often based on religious causes. The long civil war in Syria has caused the dubious distinction for the people of Syria, who have passed the Afghans, the population had to be better assisted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. This sad record was held by three decades by Afghan citizens. The overall figure of those assisted by the United Nations is thus rose to 46.3 million, increasing by 3.4 million units by the end of 2013. Since this data is still on the date of the first half of 2014, the figure is unfortunately destined to grow in way further to the persistence of situations of serious military crisis, which causes scenarios very problematic from the humanitarian point of view. The failure to resolve the Syrian crisis should be framed not only the perspective of international relations, but, rather, in the fact that 23% of all refugees come from that country. This value explains well the size of the tragedy Syrian much that many geopolitical and strategic analysis, which should be overridden by the drama of the situation for the population to urge interventions peace wealthy nations and international bodies themselves, now too useless side political because of their immobility. This assessment, for an intervention capable of stopping the war, should override all caution and prevent the continuation of situations too long and be applied to all the conflicts that generate the phenomenon of refugees. Certainly even greater caution in crisis management, in terms of political and diplomatic, would provide a big help for the prevention of enlargement of each conflict. What is missing is the power of neutral UN intervention, locked in its main organ, the Security Council, by an absurd legislation to allow the veto power to states with interests often contrary, using the tool supranational for their purposes geopolitical. The value of the number of refugees should be taken to measure, in an absolute sense, to determine a neutral intervention that will prevent conflicts and seek a negotiated solution that would impede the choice of the solution of the escape at unarmed civilians. Scrolling data Africa continues to be an important part of the phenomenon of refugees, where the causes are not made only by war, but also by the famine. After Syria and Afghanistan there is Somalia (1.1 million) followed by Sudan (670,000), South Sudan (509,000), the Democratic Republic of Congo (493,000), Burma (480,000) and Iraq (426.0000). It is caused by a ranking political and military conflicts, famine, lack of water edi viable alternatives to remain in their own country. Similarly explanatory, however, is the ranking of countries that are home to more refugees, where Pakistan is the leader with 1.6 million, due to the proximity with Afghanistan whose citizens choose the country's next, followed by Lebanon (1.1 million ), Iran (982,000), Turkey (824,000), Jordan (737,000), Ethiopia (588,000), Kenya (537,000) and Chad (455,000). As we see no reference to any state rich Western and even among the emerging countries. The commitment in terms of reception on the part of Ethiopia, Kenya and Chad, shows that the stress faced by these countries is likely to affect the structure of the state, because they are too stressed and without the necessary resources. So there is the further problem of the treatment that the refugees can receive, and often insufficient source of worsening health due to the lack of adequate facilities.
The strong presence of refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan reflects the influence of migration Syria for its proximity to Damascus, which begins to cause severe disruptions in these countries for the unsustainability of the pressure of refugees, so much so that Lebanon to adopt the need visa for those coming from Syria. The number of refugees assisted by the United Nations does not include the Palestinians, for which there is a special UN agency and does not even include the refugees in those countries that do not require the intervention of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which then acts only on request and could not be otherwise for reasons of international law, and that, therefore, amounts to an even greater number of 46.3 million registered. This imposes a reflection that must lead to an agreement between nations to reduce the possible before this phenomenon which causes suffering and is intended to contribute to situations outside the legality helping to reinforce precisely those movements that cause the phenomenon.
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