Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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martedì 13 ottobre 2015

The unreliable allies of the US in the Middle East issue

Around the world balance, which are being developed, especially in the Middle East, more and more the focus of world, the United States must make appropriate reflections to avoid being caught up in an evolutionary process that goes in the negative direction of the situation, which It can compromise the international role. The first question is the relationship and the degree of reliability of the allies in the region. The turkish case is emblematic: the way of governing Erdogan is getting closer to an illiberal regime, gradually depriving the country of civil rights and interprets the reasons for the fight against terrorism for its purposes. According to the President of Turkey, which is intended to establish a presidential republic where he must hold the post, the main factor of aggregation against the political opposition is the struggle against the attempts of the Kurdish people to empower themselves, at least in a federal form still within the Kurdish state. The birth of a moderate party, not just matrix Kurdish, but open to the needs of a large part of their social Turkish origin, who appears concerned about the authoritarian turn taken by Erdogan. This factor is likely to have caused the attacks in which young peaceful demonstrators were victim already on two occasions and has coincided with the military offensive carried out by Ankara against Kurdish fighters stations struggling with the Islamic state, domestic policy and that Foreign were so mixed becoming a dangerous factor that can not ensure the most real convenience of a particularly close alliance between Washington and Ankara. The rest of the EU when Turkey did not admit to it, he examined an already serious situation on civil rights, which at the moment is even worse. Washington publicly held and is keeping a low profile, that does not make clear to world public opinion what are the real intentions with Turkey; the same thing can be said of the relationships held with Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Saudi kingdom, which is going through a precarious balance in their institutions, is characterized by a fierce application of a vision of Islamic law, through the complete denial of rights with methods particularly violent: some Saudis are the leading producer of oil and the regulatory role of the world market of crude oil covering, often at the suggestion of the United States, authorizes the behavior internally, not criticized by the US, but the impropriety of such an ally is increasingly clear, if one considers that the Saudis, along the Turks, were led to the formation of the Caliphate, which say they are fighting, but only with window-dressing, allowing, then practically the permanence of the Islamic state on the occupied territories. The third is uncomfortable ally Israel, against which the White House has failed to impose the line of the two states that could afford to solve the issue with the Palestinians. The government of Tel Aviv, on the contrary, seems to try to take advantage of the situation of absolute mess of the region, to steal the Palestinian territories, oblivious to open an additional front in the most problematic of the planet. While the US is allied with these countries, the fragility of the link brings up the only country the US, just in managing the regional crisis in general, and of the Syrian and the fight against Islamic state in particular. The decisiveness of Russia, put in big trouble the American strategies, which can count on the help of the only sincere Iraqi Kurds, for other less well placed because of the treatment that the United States has allowed the Turks against the Kurds in Turkey and those Syrian. With regard to the Islamic state is becoming increasingly obvious, as its existence is instrumental to many interests, which make the fight, at least for now, only a goal of the Americans, in the general framework of the fight against terrorism and the Kurds, for their survival . The presence of the caliphate allows raids Turks against the Kurds, the struggle of the Saudis and Turks themselves against Assad, but also the opposite, that justifies the presence of Assad as an actor in the containment of the Islamic state, and therefore the role of Russia and Iran alongside Damascus, also in the suppression of secular formations that oppose the Syrian dictator. Right now Washington appears to be losing not only on the chessboard Syrian, but generally throughout the Middle East scenario, with Iraqis, where Shiites are in government, that they would be getting dangerously close to the positions of Moscow and Tehran in order to eradicate the presence the caliphate from their territory. The feeling of defeat that lingers on the foreign policy of the United States in the region, certainly depends on bad choices by the Obama administration and the subsequent mishandling of the matter, because it was too uncertain, but, at this stage, it is more crucial lack of tune with the historical allies in the region, too busy in personal goals, often at odds with those of Washington. The US, in addition to bear on their side were increasingly governed in a despotic, factor deep criticism coming from Western allies, no longer with these countries common criteria on which to build a general tactics and this implies an objective difficulty on the part of the House White to handle the Middle East crisis. If Washington wants to arrive at a conclusion not too disappointing, perhaps it is better to begin to implement a more pragmatic and less rigid towards Moscow, certainly with all due caution, rather than persist in attitudes of principle and remain too tied to partners from whom it It will take that limited benefits. This should serve in the future, given that the boundaries and the reasons that determine alliances, especially with Muslim countries, are increasingly uncertain and therefore does not ensure the desired political development.

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