Politica Internazionale

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mercoledì 27 aprile 2016

The unstable situation in Egypt

Recent Egyptian facts show that the country ruled by Al Sisi is back in a serious state of instability, marked by a fierce policy of repression, but also from a dangerous rift that runs through Egyptian society. From the Arab Spring to the fall of Mubarak, until the establishment of the Islamic dictatorship democratic way Mursi has returned early to the military dictatorship of Al Sisi, built on the model of that of Mubarak, but even more violent and repressive. What is impressive are the modalities of violence, implemented with increasing vigor and in front of an international public opinion incapable of substantial enforcement actions, for fear of a new statement of the power of the Islamists. This is the central fact which prevents an international scenario appalled by the repression of the government of Cairo, to implement the required actions, such as sanctions, to stop the repressive practices; on the other hand it is precisely this factor that Al Sisi bases its methods and its impunity, however, the growing dissatisfaction of the Egyptian people, based on economic reasons, as well as policies, seems to be going towards the conditions that led to the fall of Mubarak, with a tragic replica of what has been seen. If, on the one hand, it is also true that the army continues to be the dominant force in the country, including in the areas of the armed forces they would be emerging concerns related to growing distrust of large sectors of the international scene, who are beginning to wonder what evil the lower of the repression of Al Sisi and the possible return of the Islamists. In reality, a way out could be represented by an alliance of moderate sectors of the armed forces with representatives of secular parties, too, for now, the object of repression. Should be noted that, while not sharing the methods of the present government, practiced against the Muslim Brotherhood, who had established a religious dictatorship, the secular forces had initially partially supported Al Sisi, hoping to bring the country to a democratic pluralism that He did not have the influence of the Islamists, but not even the military. In other words Al Sisi was seen as a sort of essential to a democratic evolution of Egypt. Representatives of democratic parties have realized the error of assessment made soon towards the general, who wanted to establish a military dictatorship in which concentrated much of the state power. The facade offers Al Sisi, promptly rejected by the Democrats, they have determined their official departure from political life, placing outlawed all parties. From the international point of view, we have seen, that the regime exploits the Western fear of the Islamists, although this view is not so obvious, but from the point of view inside the government does not factors equally convincing to quell popular discontent. A dictatorship is already difficult to bear with positive economic conditions, but the situation in Egypt, from this point of view, such records to be very worrying time low for that organization shall ensure control of the home front, moreover, exacerbated by corruption levels ever recorded higher and that concerns the holders of power at all levels. This explains an incessant use of propaganda to which few believe again and the use of a repression without restraint, hitting opponents and journalists, both Egyptians and foreigners. These days the cases of disappearance of activists and opponents of the regime seem increased, making it an indirect proof of the responsibility for the death of the Italian researcher, engaged in an analysis of the trade unions in the country, which continue to be a potential subject contrast to the regime. In this framework the Al Sisi faithful are becoming a minority, still substantial, but declining, which stood first of all in the military, but also in the more affluent classes of the country, the same who enjoyed privileges in the days of Mubarak however the growing social pressure of less fortunate classes, denotes an attitude of hopelessness of the situation in the country, which does not seem to decrease power, but it is indeed going to increase. It is a very indicative signal for Al Sisi, you should remember what happened to Mubarak, to try to change their way of governing, if it is not too late, conversely the future of the Egyptian general seems to be sealed, and this could open in the country too disturbing scenarios for the international repercussions to be neglected by the Western powers and the United Nations itself, which should work towards a smooth transition and guided to avoid further violence in a key nation of regional balance.

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