Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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venerdì 22 dicembre 2017

The United Nations vote against Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

The UN vote against the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel marks the lowest point of US diplomacy and diplomacy. 128 countries have voted in favor of the text of the UN resolution, which rejected the US president's declaration for the recognition of Jerusalem as an acpital of the Israeli state. Among the 128 countries there are also rivals of the United States, but above all, and this is the extreme political importance, there are nations traditionally allied with Washington. Against the resolution of the United Nations came the discounted vote of Tel Aviv, which is added to small countries, fearful of not receiving American aid. For Trump and his administration a total defeat, which places the United States in a sort of diplomatic isolation and which, as a conseguneza, has to greatly diminish its political weight in the international scenario. Trump commits, therefore, yet another diplomatic error, proving not to be a good computer and this story highlights all the dilettantism with which the administration of the White House claims to manage international issues. The American president, with this move made together with the government of Tel Aviv, believed to make a coup to effect able to divert attention from internal problems and that allowed him to accredit him as a protagonist of international life. Never choice was more wrong: the American diplomatic defeat, suffered at the United Nations headquarters, has not, probably precedent and highlights all the decline of the American nation because of an improper and improvised leadership; all this even if the decision taken by the 128 countries is not binding and will not prevent Washington from setting up its embassy in Jerusalem. But precisely this aspect makes the loss of international prestige suffered by the United States even more serious. Also because the reasons for this vote are not only political, but mainly based on the rules of international law, violated in such an unconscious manner by Trump and his administration. The White House has lost the occasion to manage the Palestinian question, and that would have been, on the other hand, a very important point even for an insufficient Presidency like that of Trump; with this decision the US will no longer be able to act as a mediator between Palestinians and Israelis, because they are now too unbalanced in favor of the latter. It is not known if this choice is part of Trump's electoral program, of course it is now that the US does not seem to be able to aspire to the first place in the diplomatic scene, due to the lack of balanced conduct and also due to the lack of international experience, also due to unsuitable appointments within the US diplomatic corps. From the most peculiar point of view of the question it is unthinkable to go beyond the ten resolutions of the Security Council, then signed also by the USA, which date back to 1967, but which are still valid and where it is established that the Jerusalem question must be resolved joint within the entire Israeli-Palestinian issue. So a possible unilateral decision, on one side or the other, will have no value. The Israeli premier, who has already taken this path in contempt of the agreements, adds the American president, abandoning the sense of legality that could still leave space for the US role in the world. Finally, the reaction of the US ambassador to the UN, represents the frustration of the administration for being so blatantly defeated and the mafia threat of not providing more aid to those who voted in favor of the resolution, casts further discredit on the White House unable to accept positions other than his own.

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