Politica Internazionale

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martedì 13 marzo 2018

Trump replaces the Secretary of State

The American president replaces the Secretary of State, Tillerson, with the head of the CIA, Mike Pompeo. It is a change that provides the measure of the climate within the White House: Trump does not like personality, which despite being within its political area, considers too independent and linked with the environments of US power, which bear little the behavior of the first monocratic office of the USA. The tension with the dismissed Secretary of State was, however, something known: the reasons for disagreement consisted of an attitude deemed too diplomatic and not in line with Trump's decision-making and verbal aggression. The American president has never recognized his incompetence in matters of foreign policy and, indeed, has often made a point of strength of this inexperience, coming several times to the clash with the diplomatic environment. Tillerson, even in the context of an anomalous presidency and therefore with all the limits of the case, has tried to address international issues in ways that are typical of diplomacy, and this was not appreciated by Trump, unable to understand the times and the ways of diplomacy. The perception is that the US president has sought a figure to be included as Secretary of State more similar and close to his behavior, that is equipped with a greater harmony also of attitude to be held in diplomatic activity. The coincidence that this replacement took place on the eve of the potential summit with North Korea clearly expresses, that the US administration will want to characterize the meeting in a way that is anything but conciliatory. The appointment of Mike Pompeo indicates that American diplomacy will have a change in the management of international affairs, more aligned with Trump's wishes and ways, which will have results capable of destabilizing the already difficult relations not only with states considered enemies of the USA, like Iran, but also with the allies, with which there are more and more frequent tensions. The issues on the table are different from the possible revision of the Iranian nuclear treaty to the negotiations on world trade, especially after announcing the introduction of duties on exports to US territory. This appointment can only be judged by a justified apprehension because it demonstrates how Trump wants to dismantle the American bureaucratic system, which until now has been the only counterweight to a policy that is too improvised and functional only to the idea of ​​the president. On the other hand, the curriculum of the new Secretary of State speaks of a character who is far from being diplomatic and too politically characterized to have the right balance in the management of international affairs. In addition to this appointment, Trump has appointed as the director of the CIA, the deputy of Pompey, a compromised figure with a management activity of a center in Thailand where torture was practiced, a method advocated by the president himself in charge. If this turn, which can be defined as interventionist, by Trump, is part of the logic with which he has led his presidency until now, we can not fail to record a leap in quality in the desire to reduce the internal opposition represented by the American bureaucracy with a designation in a leading role of a personality very similar to that of the president. The consequences are certainly not positive: relations with Europe are not destined to improve, just as it is easy to foresee a worsening of the Palestinian situation, while the most disturbing unknown remains the future of the relationship with Iran, which with this appointment, can only undergo a negative evolution. Expectations do not allow for optimism on Syria, Russia, China and even North Korea.

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