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giovedì 30 giugno 2022

The Atlantic Alliance warns Russia and China about protecting their interests

 The Madrid meeting of the Atlantic Alliance sanctioned the change of setting and purpose of the Brussels organization, but above all, it allowed for a new vitality dictated by the contingencies of the moment, which are assumed as a long-term and difficult solution, for which an official acknowledgment is required, which requires practical decisions to counter the opponents. One of the major novelties is the abandonment of neutrality by Sweden and Finland to join the Atlantic Alliance, the differences with Turkey have been resolved, with a rather rapid timing if related to the behavior of Erdogan, which allows a significant enlargement of the 'area of ​​potential operations, where the border that the Finnish country shares with Russia, now encircled to the west of its borders, is very relevant. The importance of the involuntary role of Moscow as a propeller for the momentum of the Atlantic Alliance, has allowed a strong acknowledgment of the need for the protection of borders and the consequent territorial integrity, as well as the sovereignty of the individual states that belong to the Alliance. . Although Russia represents the most current emergency, which obliges us to consider the present crisis as the worst since the end of the Second World War and which consequently requires a massive rearmament and, probably, a great military mobilization, the vision of The Atlantic Alliance must necessarily be much broader. The general world scenario, beyond the European one, sharpens strategic competition in the global context and the present and future challenges on the economy will become increasingly exasperated, but not only: the multipolarity of the diplomatic scene includes considerable risks for the geopolitical assets, the presence of terrorist emergencies and nuclear proliferation are increasingly concrete threats to respond to. If Russia is the most urgent present, the relationship with China is not neglected, with which it needs to find a dialogue in order not to end the relationship as with the Kremlin; however it is recognized that Beijing uses violent and coercive methods to achieve results, internally, in open contrast to Western values, while externally it uses, in analogy with Russia, systems to influence Western countries and insists on exporting the its political and economic influence towards poor states; while on the issue of proximity to Moscow it represents an objective danger for the West on which it must be warned of its possible consequences. The problem of relations with authoritarian states will undoubtedly accompany the future, with issues that are difficult to solve, such as the proliferation of weapons, not only nuclear weapons, but also chemical and bacteriological ones and also the consequences of global warming: if the intentions are those of using diplomacy, it is necessary to foresee situations of confrontation in which very tough positions are required and which may also include the potential use of force. Africa too, however, represents an emergency, because it undergoes favorable conditions for the development of extremism that thrives thanks to famines and the food and humanitarian crises, furthermore investing in the black continent means stopping the expansion and ambition of China and Russia, which are progressively filling the empty spaces left by Westerners. The conclusions of the summit concern the end of the project to establish friendly relations with the heirs of the Soviets, as stated in 2010 in Lisbon, the Atlantic Alliance becomes fully aware that currently Moscow is acting directly to alter the stability of Europe and the Atlantic Alliance, with modalities, even subtle ones, ranging from the search for the establishment of spheres of control through aggression, annexation and subversion, with conventional means of war, for now, but also computerized. The Kremlin's rhetoric, which systematically breaks the rules of international coexistence, can only be an obstacle to any relationship with Russia and the declaration of readiness to keep the channels of communication open, appears as a non-programmatic and substantial declaration, but only a formality due to diplomatic necessity.

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