Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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martedì 19 marzo 2013

With the new government of Israel the situation between Israelis and Palestinians is likely to worsen

If the condition to achieve a stable peace and adjust the Palestinian question in a definitive way is to respect the borders established in 1967, within which they must exercise their sovereignty the two states, Israel and the Palestinian question is the solution of the long- more and more distant. The constitution of the new Israeli government, in fact, led by Benjamin Netanyahu always seems farther away the possibility of dialogue between the two parties. This seems even more stressed than the previous government for the presence in some key ministries of people who belong or at least sympathize very strongly for the movement of expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. If the economic condition of the country of Israel, living a moment of crisis, seemed to have done overshadowing the Palestinian issue, in favor of a stronger focus on social and labor issues, but this has not led to an easing of positions Tel Aviv on the subject of settlements, considered, rightly, critical to the Palestinians in order to strike up new negotiations for peace. The impression is that Benjamin Netanyahu, the country's needs are served as a screen to accentuate its expansion plans in the territories, in defiance of any opportunity to the nature of international politics. The provision of three ministries to the party that looks after the interests of the settlers, including those for housing, very sensitive issue in the country, it means the clear support for the program that provides funding for the construction of new settlements beyond the Green Line. It should be recalled that in 2009 Netanyahu has approved the construction of 6,900 housing in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and at the end of last year announced plans to build 11,000 more in the coming years. Israel's attitude at this point seems to go against every political opportunity, the present moment with the Syrian war at the gates, Lebanon closer to a new period of instability, the growing importance of confessional parties Muslims in the Arab countries and the question Iran far from defined, would require a more cautious behavior, especially in a subject as sensitive to the Arab world, such as the expansion of settlements in the West Bank territory. In the light of these considerations it seems clear strategy that is being developed in Tel Aviv, especially in relation to the position of the UN and many Western states, who fear that the attitude of Israel cause results strongly negative in international relations. Even the United States is following with concern the programs of the new government of Israel, who seems to be doing everything to provoke the Palestinians, between Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama relations have never been the best, but it is not easy to foresee a further deterioration at a time in which the U.S. would prefer to stay far away as possible from the Middle East. Of course, the Palestinian reactions are totally closed to those that appear real continued infringement of those agreements which are now regarded as waste paper by the Israelis. Unlikely that the intentions of the new government in Tel Aviv can not cause a reaction Palestinian who will announce themselves difficult times for the stability and peace of the Middle East.

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