Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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martedì 23 aprile 2013

Still tension between China and Japan

Although the story of North Korea now appears to live a moment of calm, the region lives other occasions of tension. Back in vogue in fact the issue of islands called Senkaku by the Japanese and Diaoyu by the Chinese. The waters of this archipelago are crossed by vessels of both countries, that would violate according to their own opinions territorial waters of the two nations. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has made nationalism its distinctive flag, threatened a response that may involve the use of force in case of a landing on Chinese soil of the islands. Tokyo has also summoned the Chinese ambassador, defining as a deplorable intrusion within its territory the passage of eight Chinese ships. But China has protested the arrival in the same waters of a small Japanese fleet, which has the task of studying the abundance of fish in the sea that bathes the islands, Beijing saw this maneuver in the prelude to a permanent use of the archipelago by Japanese fishing. Keep it up, threatening to become even more severe, the open question between the two countries for the possession of the islands, which are claimed by both nations. This territorial dispute is causing cyclic episodes of crisis between the two nations, with nationalist demonstrations exploded in serious trouble, in both countries. What is surprising is the attitude of closure, which has not seen so far any cooperation or attempt to resolve the issue through peaceful means. The tension continues dangerously ninth and are lack of opportunities to get close to an international incident can cause serious damage. If in Japan, thanks to the propaganda of the winner of the last election, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is mounted a wind deeply nationalist, not least happening in China, where they are still alive the memories of abuse suffered in the last war of the Chinese people world by the army of the Celestial Empire. In addition, for both, the possession of the archipelago has an economic sense for the resources it contains, both for fishing and for energy products.

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