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venerdì 13 settembre 2013
The Egyptian situation is getting worse
The Syrian affair has overshadowed the situation in Egypt , which is escalating out of the spotlight of international public opinion . The parties fail to reach an agreement that brings the situation to calm and the army is stepping up its brutal repression , without searching more a way of pacification . The situation is generally difficult throughout the country , which continues to be crossed by protests now not only from the environment of radical Islam , but also by secular movements , which , at first supported the action of the military. Especially in the region of Sinai repressions have intensified and become more violent. The state of emergency has been extended for another two months , this figure means that the armed forces are far from getting a stability of the country , as they believed when they gave took power . Despite the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood and the movements to their neighbors , are now without leaders , because virtually all imprisoned by the army, the widespread organization , built into hiding when Mubarak was in power there , it allows the movement a remarkable ability to contrast the armed forces , which, in turn , fail to oppose nothing but the violence against protesters . The solutions implemented by the new Egyptian government are increasingly displeasing the entire span of the movement and Egyptian parties , in addition to radical Islamic movements , which since the overthrow of President Mursi have expressed clear opposition , the policy put in place by the government, controlled by the armed forces , led to the defection of some important personalities who had joined the new government and who have left for too often violent methods used to quell the demonstrations . Even in liberal and left-wing parties , which also were switched opponents of Mursi and his followers , the discontent is obvious and palpable , even put in prison because of the exponents of this political party, who denounced the abuse of violence . Egypt finds himself to be the starting point of when he started the revolt of the Arab Spring , the first religious frustrated by the intransigence of the Muslim Brotherhood , which is not taking into account the needs and demands of the minority favored the intervention of a army who has never enjoyed the place imprinted confessional state . If the Muslim Brotherhood identify the seizure of power by the military as a coup , have certainly not wrong, however, even their exercise of power, gained by winning elections , has deteriorated into a religious absolutism totally incompatible with democracy. The extremes of the desire to establish a religious regime has prevented the natural dialogue with political forces with which they had fought side by side to eliminate the dictatorship of Mubarak. This reading of the election results , all-encompassing , which has not provided legal counterweights for minorities , forcing secular parties to address the hopes, perhaps making a mistake due to the lack of alternatives to the armed forces , traditionally hostile to the confessional movements . At that point, what was missing was a dialogue between the parties who could mediate between the different needs and in this context the excessive tightening of the Islamic parties acted as a detonator for a creeping crisis . What seems to emerge is the inability of the country to find a common solution , which denotes the unwillingness democratic exercise , due to years lived under a dictatorship iron , which has stifled every social initiative that started from the bottom. One way out may be the need to make a change , as well as political , the economic sector , which pays for the country in desperate situations , this condition determines the need for international aid, without which the country is destined to collapse . A plan of financial aid in exchange for political stability to be found through a well-defined path which addresses the approval of a constitution that knows how to protect all parties and the needs of Egypt , free elections and normalization of the situation , it can be a solution to which all the actors concerned , at this point of the crisis , they should not say no.
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