Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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lunedì 23 settembre 2013

The U.S. demand concrete actions on Iran for nuclear talks

The diplomacy of Rohani , made of promises and good intentions , is a step forward in relations with Washington, is not considered sufficient by the U.S., without concrete actions that demonstrate the real intention of Iran, to arrive at a definition of the problem nuclear power. The exchange of letters between the President of the U.S. and Iran , has been an important starting point to get the thaw between Tehran and the West , not just the United States, but it is still too great to achieve a reduction of sanctions. The U.S. , however they want , take advantage of the opening of this communication channel to achieve tangible results on the atomic problem , by retracting the situation in a broader moratorium , which relates to weapons of mass destruction and atomic ones , that those chemicals . For Washington, the question of non-conventional arms limitation is a need for both the practical order of international prestige to recover. Moreover, given the situation in the Middle East , the U.S. must also cope with the pressures of the Israelis , who continue to mistrust the good will of the new Iranian president . For the United States it is important to have concrete actions by Iran , to keep calm, to the extent possible , the Israelis . In fact the latter, the present state of things , it would seem they are right : Iran continues a policy based on delay concrete gestures , which seems made ​​on purpose to gain time . The problem is that this occurs with the Syrian issue always in balance , a factor that allows Obama to beat around the bush for much longer. At the same time , Iran has the need for the economic sanctions that are hitting , are reduced considerably, thereby giving the government to lift the severe economic situation , more and more a source of internal instability . As you can see , both Washington, Tehran , have the real need for results to be spent on their tables , this situation could then unlock , only with a gesture of good will and concrete from the Iranian side . Rohani will participate in the coming days the United Nations Assembly , and on that occasion could make a significant gesture and actual flow rate to meet the American demands . What comes to mind is a substantial opening of the UN inspectors to visit the suspected sites , would be the natural gesture that could break the deadlock. It remains to be seen whether this move will actually be accomplished, but if the UN inspection confirms that Iran is pursuing its energy policy that includes nuclear, therefore only used for peaceful purposes , the dialogue between Washington and Tehran will resume even on issues that affect more the international scene.

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