Politica Internazionale

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lunedì 14 ottobre 2013

Reasons and possible solutions to migration of despair

The sad episodes of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean refugees seeking to enter Europe through Italy , testify to a different reality from the landings of a few years earlier , which were characterized by primarily economic reasons . Now , with the ongoing situations of gravity of economic, are added , increasing their share of the totality of the phenomenon , the reasons of political order , the flight regimes increasingly violent , escape from wars , where the Syrian case is the most striking and finally by the most abject poverty , caused by atmospheric phenomena responsible for the increasing famine. These are problems that have arisen from time to time , but who still caught by surprise Western authorities , who have made ​​finding unprepared in the face of phenomena widely announced. Yet the signs were all there : the turmoil resulting from the Arab Spring , political instability deep states of transit countries , such as Libya and Egypt , the extreme situations of refugee camps Turks clogged by the consequences of the Syrian War , the chronic lack of food in the Horn of Africa, which has put a strain on the state of neighboring Kenya , where it is the largest refugee camp in the world. The human tide , who has taken refuge in the neighboring areas from which he fled , has saturated the absorption capacity of countries much poorer than those in the West who were able , with great difficulty, to cope with emergency conditions far more severe than those in which it is subjected Europe these days. However, the search more dignified conditions and the desire to join relatives already in the old continent have been the driving force to fulfill the hopes of those who went in search of a better future. It must be said that the general political situation that is considered one of the major causes is the daughter of the process of globalization that has affected the whole world , but in the poorest areas has aggravated the state of populations , which are often passed from one to a dignified poverty total misery. This fundamental aspect to find the reasons for the migration crisis and therefore also to address them, has not been sufficiently recognized and investigated thoroughly , preferring to identify the greatest responsibility in political causes rather than treating a consequence of the progressive impoverishment caused also by the WTO agreements and all the commercial logic and globalizing , from the unbridled liberalism that ruled the world. One of the effects that this trend resulted was precisely that of not being able to limit the role of migration , which have become the solution of last resort to which escape from inhuman living conditions . It was an effect that economists had not expected the world , at least in this size, and which highlights all the weakness of the liberal economic theory . But at this point , the necessary solutions must come from the policy and can not come from individual sectors , but require an approach that involve collaboration on several levels, and in practice , converge in the overall effort of complex organization . If immediate solutions can only have a matter of urgency , the overall problem must be solved with supranational policies to be implemented in the field. The achievement of peace in Syria , through a relentless diplomatic work must already provide for the reconstruction of the Syrian economy in a climate of peace that would allow the return of refugees and provides the conditions to prevent further departures . This project is ambitious, given the current situation , but it must be covered by the international community putting aside national needs of individual states or religious groups. A closer look, despite the seriousness , the Syrian is one of the situations less difficult when compared to the chronic nature of the condition present in Eritrea and Somalia, two of the countries which together are providing one of the greatest tributes in terms of the number of people in the migratory movement . Here it would intervene in complex situations , in countries with no natural resources and is not considered strategic for the world balance , conditioned by deeply illiberal regimes , where torture is a common legal means and where there is the presence of the increasingly influential ' Islamic extremism. If a plague of international troops that have as a goal to bring down regimes is not possible, you could act with mixed media , military and economic sanctions type , to bring down governments , which are their only means of oppression through which can continue to govern. The only economic aid, which have also been reduced , they can not provide a definitive solution because in fact may contribute to the life of the schemes, which often fail to seize it . It must also put pressure on those countries that are the basis of transit migrants and often exploit these masses of robbing people of their possessions and forcing women to sexual slavery . One of the bands that are enriched with these methods is a problem that must be dealt with harshly through the approval of the UN, also those who practice these systems to finance is often contiguous with terrorist organizations and so the purpose would be twofold repressive . Among the states whose banks depart from the so-called voyages of hope there are Libya and Egypt , which have different reasons for sending migrants to cross the stormy seas often . The authorities in Cairo contrast in every way the lives of refugees on its territory , not allowing the enrollment in schools for children and not releasing work permits to adults , thus the decision to groped better fate to Europe. Put pressure on Egypt , including through the U.S. should not be a solution impassable , while for Libya is evidently necessary action that reinforces the shaky government, through the training of police forces in the country. These solutions are not cost-free , however the long-term direct and indirect effects of a limitation, and therefore a positive constructive way , regulation of migration would fall on both the countries of origin of flows, than on the target , and finally on stability of world equilibrium , in addition to the resolution of the problems of an ethical and moral , which are not a secondary aspect of the story .

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