Politica Internazionale

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giovedì 24 aprile 2014

The U.S. sent troops into Poland and the Baltic States

The U.S. decision to send a contingent of about 600 units in Poland and the Baltic states , to participate in joint exercises , it is a response that tends to satisfy the fears of the former Soviet states , without irritating the Russian government too . The measure is entirely in the path he has chosen Obama , driven by diplomatic solution , rather than a potential military confrontation , made up of troops on their respective sides of the border. To be sure , Russia has already deployed before then justify denying the right of an exercise, a much larger contingent , but for the U.S. President was important, especially at the international level , do not be on the same floor of his colleague in Moscow. However, the pressure due to the fears of the states that were part of the Warsaw Pact , have forced the U.S. administration , even under the NATO treaty in force, give a warning signal to those countries. The quota used is small compared to the Russian forces that are beyond the eastern border of Ukraine, but it is also a signal to the Kremlin , which wants to indicate that the U.S. does not discard the possibility , albeit remote , of a personal commitment in the case of the enlargement of the Ukrainian situation to the west. This possibility, to involve more countries than Ukraine, is considered to be fairly unlikely to all analysts in a unique way , what might occur more likely, although not yet mentioned, is a annexation of the territories of Ukraine to Eastern Russia , the type of case the Crimea. This eventuality would lead the troops to Moscow relatively close to Poland, Romania and the Baltic states, who are still living in a historical legacy of aversion to Russia , tied to relations following the end of World War II . After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the liberation from Moscow , in these countries has survived , however, the fear of what was called the Soviet bear and the nationalist politics of Putin has done nothing but reinforce these feelings , already deeply felt even without the showdown of the Crimea. For the U.S. remains essential to ensure a concrete closeness to the former Soviet bloc countries , which have assumed a particular importance in American strategy of containment of Russian expansionism , at the same time the treaty obligations of NATO, and in particular Article five , commit the United States , as a member of the Atlantic Alliance main , to a personal commitment , which in addition to the practical value also assumes a symbolic meaning , and above all political . However, it is important for Obama to divide these meanings in two directions: as a signal of support to the NATO countries in Eastern Europe , but at the same time , too much should not irritate Russia, to continue the negotiations in the diplomatic field . This is to maintain a balance between progress of the negotiations , sanctions and military support to Russia allies present scenario . The operation does not allow for mistakes in the dosage of all the ingredients that absolutely must not be exaggerated , otherwise the failure of the entire building they are based on the current relations between Moscow and Washington and their developments .

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