Politica Internazionale

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martedì 22 aprile 2014

U.S. diplomatic pressure on Russia

The visit to Ukraine by Joe Biden, the U.S. vice president , will demonstrate clearly the unconditional support that the administration in Washington provides in Kiev. It is a particularly eloquent direct signal to Russia, which has the purpose to provoke a different attitude to the influence that Moscow is putting in a direct and indirect impact on the eastern territories of Ukraine. This visit takes place in conjunction with the Geneva negotiations , which are experiencing particular progress . The Kremlin still does not recognize the transitional government that has been established in Kiev after the fall and escape of Yanukovych and this element is the basis in the policy that Russia is leading in the eastern territories of Kiev. I do not recognize the new Ukrainian government is to have a sort of alibi legal act in aid of the pro-Russian . For the U.S. to counter this tactic is to engage in first person with his own personality more important , and it is in this context that the visit to Kiev of the second U.S. office must be located . Ukraine , however, is in a situation far from stable , both for the internal uncertainty , which is likely to continue until the next election date , both for Russian pressure , which aim increasingly to dismember the territory of Kiev, with repetition schema practiced in the Crimea. The strategy is based on two contrasting American essentials : the full support of the Ukrainian institutional evolution , which must be accomplished through elections and constitutional reform and the international isolation of Russia. For the White House, it is important that the world diplomatic steps the message of the American belief about the territorial integrity , the unity of the people and the country's democratic development of Ukraine, Russia to oppose the violations of international law, the interference in the affairs interior of a sovereign state and practices aimed at influencing the scenario through the use of military means , often not recognizable. Biden's visit will serve to give international prominence to the Ukrainian government and to provide some form of economic and energy independence from Russia , further reason that Moscow exerts pressure on Kiev. The U.S. has already supplied to Ukraine a loan of 1,000 million , in the belief that this crisis is diplomatic rather than military . In fact, the invasion of the Crimea and the entry of men in the eastern territories of Moscow seems to represent a scenario opposite to the one envisioned by Obama , which has as its aim to keep the contrasts within the diplomatic fence , avoiding military confrontation . Now this intention , while laudable , is in clear contrast with developments on the ground ; the President of the United States does not want to , of course , be involved in a military campaign in the heart of Europe, even indirectly , in spite of the stresses coming from countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact and are now part of NATO. The presence of Biden also serves to raise the level of diplomatic confrontation trying to quell dangerous slide towards an affront more muscular . However, it was taken into account the possibility of NATO military exercises on the border with Ukraine , it would , for now, an extreme solution , which planners in Washington want to use as a last resort in case the alternative measures do not Sorting effect . Clearly a development of the situation in that direction would raise the voltage beyond the limits touched until now ; precisely to avoid this scenario, the U.S. would have already prepared new economic sanctions against Russia, to force them to exert their influence on the pro-Russian in a deterrent against the actual behavior towards the Ukrainian government . This new package of sanctions does not contain , however, measures against the Russian energy sector , which is the highest point in the economy of Moscow ; this determination is thus an additional element of intent to reduce the pressure on Russia and bring the matter within the diplomatic channel. Obama opts for a substantially softer line , aimed at affirming the reasons of international law and not to provoke Moscow unnecessarily , where the U.S. position , while important, seems almost rearguard , while it is of primary importance in an attempt not to escalate the situation created . At this point, the only hope is that Putin can follow the American President on this conduct.

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