Politica Internazionale

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venerdì 17 ottobre 2014

Diplomatic war at the United Nations between Israel and Palestine

The riots occurred in several areas of Jerusalem and Ramallah in the clashes between the Israeli army and demonstrators are the hard outline of the diplomatic battle that takes place at the United Nations between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli state. Just another Palestinian victim, a 13 year old boy hit by a soldier of the Israeli army, during an enforcement action against Palestinian youth who had protested violently against the provocations of the right wing ultra-Orthodox to the occupation of the Temple Mount. In this context, the diplomatic clash, which is taking place at the UN Headquarters, takes place in a climate once again anything but relaxed, in spite of the difficult past summer, which saw the violent war unfolding in Gaza. The goal of Abu Mazen is always the same: the creation of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital; part of these territories are subject to occupation by Israel, which continues the policy of building settlements, subtracting substantial portions of land to the Palestinians, in favor of the settlers, often belonging to religious movements. ultra-Orthodox. These settlers are also represented in the government at the helm of Israel, making it an institutional solution in the framework of the 1967 borders, very problematic. The tactics of Abu Mazen, to achieve this result is entirely peaceful and departs sharply from the practices of terrorist Hamas; the president of the Palestinian Authority intends to seek a solution of the Security Council of the United Nations, ending the occupation and to allow the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state. Israel rejects these proposals with the usual excuse that threaten the peace, not only in the Israeli nation, but also in the region. This is the usual tactic to postpone the solution to save time and increase the settlements. The greatest difficulty for Abu Mazen to get the resolution of the Security Council is inherent in the regulation of the highest organ of the United Nations, which requires unanimity of the members for approval of resolutions considered; the presence of the United States, the most important ally of Israel, has so far thwarted every effort, but the deterioration of relations between the White House and Tel Aviv and lens, repeatedly stated by Obama, to arrive at the definition of the issue between Israel and Palestine precisely through the solution, a territory, two states might change things. It is significant that Washington seems to have no intention to exercise the right of veto and proof of this are significant appeals Americans that Abu Mazen referrals its request to the Security Council until January 2015 In this period, however, not very large, Obama wants to entrust again the question of negotiations to the Secretary of State, John Kerry. Under present conditions, however, seems to be an almost impossible task: they are still too many resistances of Israel, while Abu Mazen is not ready to any concession. The presence of this rigidity, especially by Israel, which in the end is the one that broke the rules by allowing the construction of settlements, is likely to backfire Tel Aviv, if Abbas were to take the formal step toward the United Nations. The United States, faced with a choice of responsibility, they could not go against the majority of world public opinion, which recognizes the right of the Palestinians to have a homeland, because, otherwise, would find themselves isolated especially compared to Western partners, especially those in Europe are increasingly oriented towards recognition, such as, for example, was the pronouncement of the British Parliament. Of course the ideal solution would be the withdrawal of Israel from the territories and respect the 1967 borders, resulting in the signing of a peace treaty that enshrines the birth of a Palestinian state; but with the current government took office in Tel Aviv this is only a remote possibility.

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