Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015

Amnesty International criticizes the United Nations and proposes a reform of the veto of the Security Council

The humanitarian organization Amnesty International has submitted its report on the situation of the application of human rights in 160 countries around the world. 2014 was regarded as the worst year for the large number of refugees after the Second World War, a given, then, that confirms that there is no peace in the world and how the planet is crossed by many local conflicts, which determine an explosive situation in humanitarian and putting in constant danger also states that consider themselves in peace. In the main points of conflict: Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Nigeria and Gaza, were killed millions of civilians, such a large number for which it is difficult even to make precise estimates, while the refugees, many of whom live in hygienic conditions approximate, in refugee camps emergency, often located in countries already suffering from endemic poverty, would be as many as 15 million people. It is a situation that is likely to become uncontrolled and where the most striking evidence of the resurgence of diseases that were believed eradicated and human trafficking, fleeing violence. The causes are to be found not only in the violent conduct of the warring parties, but also ineffective in the responses of the international community, which is committed to the protection of the most vulnerable, often for reasons of pure political opportunism and cheap, and the maximum existing supranational body , the United Nations, which were created precisely in order to regulate conflicts to keep the peace. In contrast, the sequence of violations of humanitarian law showed utter futility UN body created at the end of World War II and then become unsuitable to the historical evolution of the international scene, it needs a major overhaul, as, indeed , requested by several parties. In this perspective it is clear that a potential containment action and resolution of serious international crises, by the subject UN, is locked from the absurd operation of the Security Council, the body responsible for the maintenance of security and world peace, where the five permanent members (the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia) with their veto power, even one of them, it can prevent the passage of any resolution. It is clear as a tool of such power can be used, as actually happens, for individual national interests or for reasons of international balance, despite the clear violations of humanitarian law. As a result of the data reported by Amnesty International, the necessity and urgency of reform is pressing current. The humanitarian organization has developed an interesting proposal, which would allow the permanent members to give up the right of veto, in situations of particular atrocities. It must be remembered that the foreign policy of Western countries that make up the permanent members (United Kingdom, France and the USA) has so far been very flexible on the basis that under consideration, but always in line with the national interest and the orientation of incumbent government and not regulated by any general rule, except for the US, using the right of veto whenever Israel is the object of some resolution. For China and Russia, was in force, however, the general rule of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, this practice has often prevented action against genocide, they could be content with interventions under UN auspices. The rule adopted by China and Russia, in truth, was often an excuse to protect economic or political interests or to prevent a particular situation from turning in favor of the US or the West. The Syrian War and the Ukrainian, they then represented as the veto power has been exercised by a member of a party, a case that the regulation of the UN had not foreseen and which should be subject to alteration. An example of what could allow the renunciation of the right of veto would be represented by the possibility for the International Criminal Court to prosecute the perpetrators of the massacres Syrians. Another tool, according to Amnesty International, could be represented by the ratification of the Treaty on the arms trade, which could stop sending arms to countries where the instruments of war could go hand in paramilitary groups (as in the case of the caliphate, Boko Haram and the pro-Russian). Without these suggestions are taken into consideration and made effective, the humanitarian organization does not provide that the negative trend on the respect of human rights, is reversed in 2015.

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