Politica Internazionale

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giovedì 30 aprile 2015

The Egyptian military government seeks legitimacy in Europe

The visit to Spain of Egyptian President Al Sisi, preceded by several contacts with other European premiers, including the Italian Renzi and greek Tsipras, part of a strategy designed to Cairo, Egypt to credit the country in Europe and, especially, in the part that faces the Mediterranean. The need to be recognized at the international level is essential in view of the continuation of a government, which has replaced the previous one: the first democratically elected in Egyptian history; it is true that the winners of the elections have also abused the power won at the ballot box, trying to impose an overly confessional and leaving no room for any opposition. But the fall of the executive supported by Islamic brotherhood took place, however, through a particularly bloody coup, disavowed even by the secular and democratic forces, which had been marginalized by Mursi. This seizure of power accompanied by violence and repression has had the goal of defeating the most radical part of the political parties that they referred to Islam, but which, together was even more rooted in a social private by the dictatorship of Mubarak each reference point. This introduction deep into Egyptian society was the one that led to the electoral victory, but it has, therefore, also required more work by the military in the eradication and suppression. If the rise to power of Al Sisi was greeted with relief in unofficially by the Western democracies, in the official methods, actually very brutal, they were convicted, albeit mildly. The United States itself, had suspended the substantial supplies of arms from the Egyptian army, who served under the protection of Israel. In reality, although weakened, relations with Egypt's Al Sisi are still continued, however, for the Egyptian regime destabilization of Libya and the arrival on its territory of training related to the Islamic state has certified the importance, as an ally , the country's fight against Islamic extremism in Egypt. The personal commitment of the Egyptian armed forces, against the people of the caliphate and the strong stance against the fundamentalists has essentially rehabilitated the Egyptian regime in front of the West, so that Washington has resumed the supply of arms. The internal situation in Egypt, however, is far from being normalized: the election promises, which also should see winning the formation of the current president for lack of opponents, ninth yet been established, although they were already been set for this summer. The country also seems to have fallen into a spiral of corruption very intense and the use of torture by the police, seems to have returned to the levels prior to 2011. Despite this, the government, an offshoot of the armed forces, has also the support of a section of society in the country: one that believes the army is a good compromise for the internal stability and, above all, have averted the extreme Islamization of the country, despite the methods used and the lack of substantial democracy. In essence, the current government appears to moderate orientation and that is enough, however, the process of normalization of the company continues relentless, with measures that restrict the use of social networks, which are essential for the success of the Arab Spring, the fight homosexuality and atheism. On the latter subject the aims of the government are twofold, encouraging a moderate religion, which would allow more control and a full agreement with the moderate clergy and limit the influence of the secular political forces who reject the interference confessional. On the international role played by Egypt was taken, some of the duties exercised by Mubarak to protect Israel from the south side of its borders, which Mursi not assured, while there is some activism on the front of the Sunni world, which sees the Cairo ally of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies under the religious confrontation against the Shiites. If, from the international point of view, Egypt is obligated by its own internal situation is not clear to seek legitimacy, and economically, the situation of the country's crisis, it seems natural to the search of profitable relationships with the countries closer and more rich. The Mediterranean basin is a natural area where to look to establish relationships that can afford to develop cooperation preferably stable. For European countries it is a kind of return to the past, despite the fundamentalists were not better, establish relationships with Al Sisi is virtually the same as before, when they were with Mubarak, but the needs are before civil rights, as shown by the case Libyan.

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