The European Union is considering sending a naval fleet in the face of Libya, as an attempt to defend the country from the Islamic state and to stop the departures of boats carrying migrants who attempt to cross the Mediterranean. This measure was designed even before the tragedy that could have killed even more than 900 people. The internal situation of Libya and the repeated humanitarian tragedies are intimately connected: from Libyan soil you make the most of the departures to the Italian coast, both for its proximity, which for the large presence of camps of refugees, managed, before by the regime of Colonel Gaddafi and now by criminal organizations, often associated with movements belonging to Islamic terrorism. After the fall of the dictatorship of Tripoli, the Libyan country no longer has found peace because of the deep internal divisions and the presence of militia gangs, often in disarray but very well armed with a knowledge of the supplied arms depots of Gaddafi. In addition to these factors should be noted that Libya is a country almost artificial, without political and civil structures, except the tribal element, which often works, as the only social aggregator within its territory, but that is also a factor in the deep division. From this framework we understand how the presence of a body such as the Islamic state has been facilitated to the conquest of the land and it appears difficult to contain. The lesson of Colonel Gaddafi has been to keep blackmail Italy and consequently Europe, wisely dosing smuggling; now, after a similar period, the human traffickers are intensifying the departure of the desperate, encouraged by the presence of situations of greater benefit, which increased the people that need to cross the Mediterranean. Increased famines, but above all, the situations of war, such as the Syrian and the one that is being fought in Iraq, while the situation in Somalia continues to be problematic, also the emergence of paramilitary groups such as Boko Haram, which are affiliated to caliphate to destabilize entire regions of the African continent. The perception is that Brussels, seen as the seat of the European Union, has not adequately assessed the threat that came from the southern shores of the Mediterranean, while remaining focused on the problems of financial accounting or, at most, with regard to foreign policy on the issue Ukrainian, not, however, affect much on the progress of the matter. Now the emotional wave of the tragedy of migrants raises serious to justify the existence of a supranational organization that has among its objectives the spread of civil rights, but the words of the ministers of European Union countries have the flavor the falsehoods and rhetoric. The humanitarian emergency was expected, not only expected, but the burden was left to Italy alone, often independently, he proceeded to do what he could, acting out of the picture anyway better than processed by Brussels and that the ' Operation Triton, who never considered the humanitarian aspects of migration. The current situation is to hope for an agreement between the parties to find a Libyan political agreement on forming a government, he can begin to govern the emergency. Of course you need a military support that protects the weak Libyan government, provided that this is able to form, must convince the United States to engage at least with the drones and the solution to deploy naval units, seems more aimed at protecting maritime traffic, which to represent a form of repression of Islamic militias. Certainly a job would be to rescue the castaways, but to combat the problem you need to guard the land and regulate migration from Libya, which is absolutely impossible without using ground troops, use that Brussels does not intend to field. Thus., Once again, we are faced with a chronic lack of preparation of the European Union, that without a political structure and even a military, adequate processes improvised solutions intended for bankruptcy beginning. Again it must be emphasized that the time to prevent this situation was all there, while you preferred to focus on vague hopes of good will of the parties, without intervening diplomatically direct, taking the initiative to create the conditions for stabilizing the Libya. Now, with the advance of the Islamic state, could be late and scenarios designed to open up containing omens not at all reassuring.
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