Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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lunedì 20 aprile 2015

Worldwide, there are still a billion people in extreme poverty

According to the President of the World Bank, are almost a billion people living in extreme poverty. We are witnessing an imbalance of income distribution, which takes in poor countries a huge size; whether in rich countries the non-uniformity of the distribution of wealth creates social inequalities with a dangerous drop in increasing the quality of life in Asia and Africa the problem is reflected on the real chances of survival, being exacerbated by weak political institutions and corruption endemic, able to drain all the resources, including those intended for the war against hunger. The recipe of Jim Yong Kim, the number one of the World Bank, is to promote high growth by effectively declaring war on poverty. The goal is to raise the standard of life of the last of the league of wealth: well a billion people, which must be removed from extreme poverty by 2030, the deadline set by the international community. It is, however, to see how this growth is to be understood, by what means and in respect of which reach values. Certainly almost anything is better than the misery, but when a banker pronunciation growth as a recipe to overcome poverty, you can not help but have some suspicion. If growth is seen as investment in training people in the skills needed to create a harmonious development with the environment and respect for the rights, that just the shortage in poor countries helps to establish the conditions of poverty, then you can judge positively the purpose of growth. Conversely slightly raise the bar of the human condition now this, to increase the exploitation and the continued denial of rights is a measure intended to become counterproductive. If there is no general formula for all poor countries, to lift them up from poverty, due to peculiar situations and contingent, there are, however, absolute values ​​to which to refer, consisting in respect for people and to establish certain criteria for growth sustainable, responsive to parameters that ensure that economic progress goes hand in hand with social and civil. The fields where it is most urgent to establish priorities are healthcare, protection against natural disasters and famines. Speaking immediately in these aspects can create the starting conditions to ensure reliable and durable economic development. This is because it can be created on the structural conditions on which to base the development and therefore growth. If Asia is the continent which has the highest number of people in poverty, Africa, holds the dubious distinction of the highest rate of poverty in relation to population, this means that the African continent there is a higher percentage of very poor and this figure represents the brake natural development, since requires action on a greater audience. In both cases, the exploitation of raw materials is not distributed and conditions of global finance have aggravated already compromised situations which prevented planning against poverty through development plans with a look that goes beyond the mere assistance. Indeed a downside programs exclusively welfare is precisely to deal with only the most urgent needs without a consequent development. Once again, what you notice is the lack of coordination of the rich countries, engaged in programs where there is an economic return to the donor. This view reveals a huge myopia at the political level, because it does not take into account the consequences of increasing poverty, first of all the use of unregulated migration to Western countries, which have side effects like those of food illicit trafficking and criminal organizations terrorist. Even without wanting to disturb the spirit of selfless and responsibility that should concern more and ex-colonial countries, the fight against poverty is still a great investment, able to create and international security in the future, also new markets.

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