Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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giovedì 27 agosto 2015

For Italy it is necessary to keep the Senate with their prerogatives to guarantee democratic state

One of the central themes currently in Italian politics is made by the constitutional reform that the current government wants to accomplish and that concerns the change of perfect bicameralism, with the downgrading of the Senate. The basis of the process there are reasons of political expediency, designed to speed up the process of approval of the laws and reasons of cost containment policy. The new Senate should be composed of staff and elected indirectly part of regional and local functions and would, mostly advisory. The debate around these intentions is tight and the reform project is being disputed by the opposition, which shares nearly the same majority. The new legislation, as conceived appears less democracy, because delivery too much power to a single room and removes a counterweight represented by the Senate, faced with too high a concentration of decision-making power. It must be recalled also that everything should be done in an election that was blocked by the party secretaries, who decide the nominations virtually certain to be elected without the voter can exercise a preference registered. Little can be worth the objection that the electoral rolls may be decided by any primary, not regulated by state laws and implemented in a too vague and uncontrolled, to ensure a real democratic exercise. The recent history of Italian politics led to the head of government, three people following outside of the electoral process; While these formal investiture took place in respect of the law, the moral violation, and therefore not punishable, democracy was obvious thing. Besides the major political Italian, parties, carry on their activity without there being a law to regulate and govern their operation, which occurs often in ways where the democratic exercise appears very limited. In this situation, every institution that loses power can only be a warning signal for the democratic life of the country. The real risk is to be concentrated in the hands of a few appointed legislative power and also the control over the government. For these reasons it would be important to keep the Senate prerogatives peculiar, certainly different from those of the Chamber, which remain to guarantee the democratic oversight of the country. First, the Senate must continue to be elected and then must have the specific purpose, but they are relevant and not the same, as is currently the room. Basically it should change from a bicameral to a perfect bicameralism asymmetric, where the Senate can legislate on some particular issues and it confidential, to exercise political control on the bills decided by the government, to avoid too high a concentration of the power of 'executive, which often escapes the room the role of legislator, will have a major role with relationships with local authorities and will continue to be part of the college which elects the President of the Republic and the Constitutional Court. Regarding the cost issue, it is easily solved by compressing the costs of both the House, and the Senate and, if necessary, reducing the components in both houses of parliament. The important thing is to be ensured in the Senate survival can ensure democracy in the political life of this country and not be reduced to mere institutional body completely drained of power, to enslave a project that aims to compress the level of democracy in the country .

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