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giovedì 28 gennaio 2016

The variable inequality in US election

In the run-up to US presidential presence and success of Bernie Sanders show that there is only a part of the American country sensitive to populist invective of Donald Trump, but there is also a portion of the electorate that can appreciate a more progressive, born from 'need to overcome the inequities in the American system because of profound social inequality that characterizes it. It is a vision that seems to go beyond the Obama administration, a view that undoubtedly contributed decisively to the election, but came out disappointed in a government that promised so much and kept short. It certainly can not be blamed for the failure of Obama much of his electoral program, caused by the Republican majority in both houses of the US Congress, but the action of the outgoing president, especially at the beginning of the first term, had generated considerable hopes, beyond the borders of the country, such as to believe a positive influence, at least in the Western world, of a policy to reduce inequality and to spread rights. Obama succeeded only partially in its intent, with the implementation of a health system based on wider access, but does not have averted the effects of a system based on the power of finance too, although it has been able to reduce significantly the unemployment. Overall, the Obama presidency has not been too disappointing domestic level, the international level is another chapter, but was unable to maintain that high level of expectation that had generated, especially for those social and political sectors awaiting a change in direction more progressive country. On this basis of the electorate alternative candidate Hillary Clinton Sanders, based its election campaign, starting from certain defeat to recognized pitfall of his most favored half. Sanders stimulates that part of the country which requires more social redistribution, thanks to a different allocation of resources, to search through a greater diffusion of social and economic rights. Clearly it is an alternative view, not only to any Republican candidate, but also to the same Clinton who, while recognizing the validity of most of the arguments of Sanders, fears that a characterization too far left of the Democratic Party. This objection may be also true, in a country that sees a candidate like Trump have considerable success, however, no voter Trump could be persuaded to vote Democratic, whatever the proposed candidate, while Sanders might have to convince a large part of 'turnout to vote for him, especially among the young people. The need for greater social justice is a feeling that you are doing more and more felt in the United States and does not reduce longer be confused with communist ideals, but that does not even appear in contrast to the ideal of the American Dream, reinvented in a more protected by the guarantee of the existence and application of social and economic rights. The question is if the US, as a whole, are ready to these issues, which can not but include a greater presence of the state, also with an increase in the tax burden, a necessary tool to apply a logic of redistribution. Given the difficulties of Obama appears unlikely that this scenario will occur, but the country needs a big change that can not be operated by people belonging to the club of the powerful, as Hillary Clinton, the widow of a US president, it turns out to be . For the next few years the challenges of the US, on an internal level, they can not relate to the expansion of the well-being to achieve a more just society, conversely, if you choose, the other way, it may cause considerable social tension, because the country manifests itself more and more a relentless demand for more guarantees of the security of the extension of economic democracy, and this is a sign of the manifestation of a trend increasingly important in a country that usually manifests general trends in politics. Although Sanders will most likely not become the candidate of the Democrats and, therefore, not even the president of the United States, it will be impossible not to take into account the demands ever increasing attention to reducing inequality, and the United States can not fail to affect the rest of the world.

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