Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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giovedì 24 novembre 2016

Europe condemns the Russian interference against it

The Russian interference in the West and, particularly in Europe, has been denounced by a resolution of the European Parliament, where it is shown that the Kremlin would be operating, through covert funding of political parties and organizations, to promote the anti-European feelings and thus causing a fragmentation in the political and social fabric of the European Union. In reality, the resolution also condemned the pressure exerted by Islamic terrorist groups, which, through its propaganda, would aim to create divisions among Europeans of Islamic faith and other citizens of the old continent. These are two cases, however, completely different, united only by their intrinsic danger to the organization in Brussels. The Russian case must be framed in a larger project, where Europe is only a part of the objective, within the broader framework, which includes the entire West, increasingly seen as the enemy to fight. They must be reminded of the actions attributed to Russian hackers, to influence the American elections and ward off what Moscow was considered the most important danger: the election as President of the United States Hillary Clinton. Trump's victory was not certain about the intrusion of Moscow, however, these actions have shown an interest in taking action in the inner sphere of other states, it has become a strategy on which Putin attaches particular importance. Moreover it comes to exploiting the ample room for maneuver that the deep divisions in the West, allow, thanks to economic and social policies wrong, who were favored by the growing incidence of globalization understood in the wrong way, and they have produced deep social imbalances , based on the growing inequality. This is to say that carrying out these practices of interference has an economic and political cost much lower than in the past and it is a choice that puts you in a position of strength in a democratic regime contained compared to the developed democracies that apply in Europe. Towards Brussels, Moscow would be pointing to an increasing disinformation, carried out either by direct means, press agencies, television stations, and other social media, with both loans can give greater strength and weight to European anti parties, which, incidentally, you are always those deeply opposed to sanctions against Russia. That the Kremlin might be attempting to delegitimize the normal European democratic values, those that underpin the Union system, to try to destabilize able to weaken what is considered by Putin, the nearest opponent in a geographical sense . A Europe increasingly divided and crossed by deep contrast reasons, be able to make more radical aversion from Europe's anti movements, would be a softer opponent for expansionary policy, that the Kremlin wants to implement in the territories it considers how its exclusive economic zone. The speech, however, does not concern the objectives and the geopolitical balance, but also economic, since a Europe more divided than would have less bargaining power and an equally less impact in relations with Russia. Putin, to support its policy can not be based solely on the military, but must also revise the approach of his country on the economic aspect, which is necessary to sustain political action. Russia suffers a huge delay in the production of goods and services, that the production of raw materials is no longer able to compensate and a divided Europe would fall completely in Moscow objectives. It will be critical attitude that will hold the new President of the United States, which during the election campaign, has been shown to accept the politician Putin, but on several issues has already changed its attitude. For now, Europe remains the Obama political legacy, who in his last trip as occupant of the White House, has recommended to the European states not to eliminate the sanctions to Russia and continued vigilance in relations with a Kremlin increasingly less respectful of international law. It must, therefore, be read in this sense the resolution of the European Parliament: as an acknowledgment of the threats from Moscow and the will to prevent them, both with this public act, that with the creation of a task force to counter the propaganda Kremlin. In any case it seems worse the renewed conflict between the West and Russia, with these new developments, which once would not have been so obvious and explicit factor representing an element of novelty in international relations.

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