Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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martedì 29 novembre 2016

Germany wants to involve the 20 most industrialized countries for Africa's Development

Germany, through the presidency of the twenty most industrialized countries, that Berlin will take over from next Thursday, intends to exercise an action that could result in a decrease in migration flows, which are putting in great difficulty Europe. The intent of the country Learn German is to act on the structural causes of economic migration, through the writing of public expenditure programs and to make available money with low interest to facilitate access to the credit extended, in order to stimulate the economies African countries, where they come from major migration flows. It is understandable, as these intentions, even if shared, are late, compared to the current situation and will be valid for future certainly not immediate. Surely that of Germany is the way to go right away, but without, however, expect significant results in the short term to reduce migration. It is different if, together with these purposes, are implemented targeted strategies to achieve a reduction of the migratory traffic, which can not be separated from a set of actions, which must encompass the diplomatic activity, the military, the health and also that economic and assistance to African governments, to be carried out on different levels and in different contexts. Certainly it is important to the German action in an attempt to involve the world's major economies to take responsibility, jointly, the African problem: but without a coordinated action to obtain results in the short term appears to be impossible. What is needed is a commitment before the whole army, to fight organizations that derive substantial economic benefits from the trafficking of human beings. This type of conflict can not only exercise from afar, but it must be implemented in countries where these trades take place. Unfortunately, the more involved nation is Libya, especially because of its political situation and where the internal components have not yet found a synthesis to avoid the fighting between opposing factions and against Islamic extremists, which coincide precisely with with smuggling gangs human beings. Military support to the Libyan government, like other governments is essential, as is also indispensable a more decisive action at the supranational level diplomacy, see the European Union, which exceed each approach of individual states, especially those most involved. This is possible, however, only through a collaboration between the European states, which currently does not exist and does not allow a shared military commitment. Without overcoming these obstacles, even the German intentions could be difficult to implement because one of the biggest obstacles to overcome is the corruption that plagues many African governments. The need to control the financial resources allocated to combat African poverty and increase the productive fabric, must be exercised on a global level, to have a higher incidence especially in international relations and diplomacy. This must be the way to start an international collaboration, which represents a sort of globalization of the aid, can balance the wild globalization, which has greatly contributed to economic imbalances that hit the African continent. This should lead to a correction of growth processes, understood as a mere given quantity, towards a more directed to the qualitative implementation, thanks to a more efficient redistribution. If the purpose is to create work to prevent the population of African countries not to abandon their countries it is essential to prevent the funds have as a target the existing economic concentrations. The role of industrialized countries can not be only that of promoter of economic plans, through the writing of interventions and their funding, but also, and perhaps above all, the control of how resources are to be used. Provision should also be obstacles to this path: the political advantages of some states than others, the existence of emigration as a destabilizing factor of supranational entities like the European Union, the economic exploitation of African raw materials, which are concentrated in a few companies that have an interest in maintaining the status quo, the use of poverty and exploitation as a unifying factor for extremist groups. These reasons are the first challenges that the German government will have to address if they are to implement effectively the aid program for Africa.

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