Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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venerdì 18 novembre 2016

The first foreign policy signals Trump

The first appointment of the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, with diplomacy, has revealed an approximation and a worrying amateurism. The occasion was a meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, who was, in fact, the first meeting with a foreign head of state. Tokyo was considered, until now, a strategic partner of the US, by the end of the Second World War and this importance has grown with the increased emphasis that the eastern area is cladding, both in terms of geopolitical balance, and economic. For the Obama administration this part of the world must have had an even greater centrality of the Middle East, for the simultaneous presence of the world's biggest competitor in Washington, China, and was considered the most dangerous to the nuclear balance, North Korea. But also to the economic issue, with the oversight of marine transportation routes, essential for goods, it had placed particular emphasis, especially when connected with the many problems of sovereignty of the islands of the eastern seas and thus by their exclusive economic zones, which assumed for the United States a direct and ongoing commitment, through the presence of men and military means. In this scenario, the role of the Japanese country has always played the role of chief ally of US power, repeatedly disputed aspect during the election campaign by the new president. In view of Trump, despite the expressed will to consolidate the American country to play the role of first world power, foreign policy seems to have become less central, in favor of a greater internal commitment, passable only with a reduction in resources allocated to the allies to be able to employ in policies to promote a policy of expanding in the United States. Within these projects the general warning to all those countries which have so far taken advantage, according to Trump, American protection and who have not invested adequate funds for their defense; as well as the role of the Alliance Atlantic, where the US commitment is too unbalanced, compared to that of other allies. Despite the importance of Japan in the context of American allies, the meeting between Trump and Abe has been agreed with the State Department and has not played in any institutional setting, but in a palace owned by the new occupant of the White House . The lack of support of the Department of State indicates a willingness to Trump not to want to work with bodies, perhaps because the senior positions are still occupied by the previous administration loyal staff, and a fundamental refusal to respect the times and ways of politics. On the other hand this can not constitute an element of surprise, because of his character and conduct of the election campaign, but has, however, become a regular feature, to be considered in an essential, from now on, as the characterization of the new American diplomacy. Forget the politically correct is something for internal application and another in foreign policy, because diplomacy has always been characterized by measured tones and meanings, often in relief, but allow to give a reading through the nuances of diplomatic contacts and which, frequently, generate, very specific reactions. With Trump this no longer seems to be possible because we enter a new era, where it is preferred the direct approach and even outside of normal diplomatic channels. There is also a perception that Trump has not realized the importance of foreign policy, also necessary for the development of the economy in an increasingly globalized world. If you can understand the need to ask for a greater commitment to the allied countries, in the framework of the defense policy, they must be considered the consequences, which will lead inevitably to a reduction of the importance of the American on the international stage. The result of a policy less inclined to a major role of the US, which have already started with Obama, although in very different sizes, will be forced away from Washington, which will become more and more isolated. Subjects such as Europe or Japan itself with South Korea, will have to find new forms of cooperation and military integration, more and more independent from the US, which, if successful, will diminish American influence. This may allow Trump to grim resources to internal problems, but the electoral statements of an increased American international power, will only be disproved.

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