Politica Internazionale

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martedì 17 gennaio 2017

Trump may be an opportunity for Europe

The president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, said all his favor to the United Kingdom and its exit policy by the European Union, negatively judging the German supremacy and acceptance of political refugees in Berlin, at the same time, he stated that the Atlantic Alliance is an obsolete instrument, especially as regards the fight against terrorism. Beyond the statements, sometimes impromptu, the new American president, one can not find a pattern in these judgments, perhaps a little confused, but that makes for a well-defined goal. The European Union, with this structure does not meet the criteria that the new US administration, or at least for its chief representative, imagines to enable Member States to reap the benefits that the new government program has to reach. Trump for the current Europe is no longer an opportunity, but a cost, both from the political point of view, because it complicates relations with Putin, both from the military, because it does not invest resources sufficiently in defense, leaving this role to Washington, both economically, because it can be a potentially dangerous competitor in the global market. The intent of the new White House becomes to create divisions within the Union, taking advantage of the already large differences that exist between the various members, for economic reasons, connected, that is, the financial, between advocates of budget rigidity and the expansionary policy and the contrasting fortunes on solutions on how to solve the immigration problem. The appreciation for Britain to exit from the union is the means to divide even more Europe on the eve of important elections, focusing on those movements who want an even more divided Union; At the same time the search for a particular his agreement with London, on trade and movement of goods, reveals the intention of taking possession of the British market and, thereby, depriving Brussels. In a short time the climate of cooperation, present with Obama, are now turning into a report that promises to be very troubled. But this is not necessarily exclusively a problem, as opposed to Europe could be a chance capable of forcing once and for all the members of the Union to question in an effective way on the real needs of the organization in Brussels and act accordingly. Certainly it is necessary to abandon the current arrangement on which the Union is based organization, a structure too weak politically and still too focused on the single currency and the leadership of Berlin. The first thing to avoid is the abandonment of the founding countries, on which you can base the shared-European sentiments. Then the role of Berlin must not be more protective of their autonomy, but should encourage the sharing of responsibilities, which should target the achievement to get as close as possible to a political union, as a starting point to become a party to international importance. Without this step you will not arrive at a common defense project, which also includes an integrated European military force. Reach this goal seems to have become essential, especially if Trump will implement his plans to reduce the US financial commitment to Europe. To reach the new organizational structure necessary, it will be mandatory to revise the treaties and build a union with these countries really convinced to renounce their sovereignty to Brussels. Certainly it will be guaranteed a different Union address, more attentive to the needs of citizens and not to those for financial INSTITUTIONS Against and must balance the needs of different territories, which is difficult but not impossible. Maybe it will be harder to convince the countries of eastern Europe, which until now, have not distinguished for collaborative spirit, but they have only benefited from the advantages of the Union. For them you can think of two options: either a looser bond, but with lower European investment or the total exclusion from the new EU organization, which does not always make a formal undertaking to adhere to the principles of political unity. These solutions have been postponed for too long, the arrival of Trump, after the UK release, require drastic and decisive solutions: the period in which stall is definitely over.

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