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mercoledì 5 luglio 2017

The meeting between China and Russia

The meeting in Moscow among the highest representatives of China and Russia confirms that the will of the two powers is to find agreements that can protect their interests in the face of the international scenario that is being shaped. The interests of the two countries seem to be finding convergences consistent with international policy, both on the general and the special aspects. Certainly, the current issue of the North Korean issue is at this moment central: Pyongyang's continuing provocations are likely to cause a diplomatic incident between Beijing and Washington, which has repeatedly urged China to take concrete action to halt the dictator of North Korea . The latest launch of the missile dropped in Japanese waters, virtually coinciding with the Moscow summit, does not seem to be casual, but has occurred to create more pressure on the Beijing authorities with the aim, among others, of exasperating reports With the United States. Washington has already raised the tension with the transit of its military ship into the South China Sea; On the other hand, the major US allies of the region, South Korea and Japan, have repeatedly called for greater protection from the US, which President Trump seems willing to concede despite election proclamations. This American presence close to what China believes to be its area of ​​influence leads to a situation of instability that contributes to the uncertainty of relations between the two countries. But Beijing has its own faults, including the failure to bring North Korea into a less dangerous behavior. The Beijing government seems to be in great difficulty in running Pyongyang, both in view of not knowing how to exercise its leadership over North Korea and not to give the United States the opportunity to justify its presence in the region. Probably the worst aspect is that the second world power is so only from an economic point of view, but it is evident that with regard to Beijing's international weight it is still distant both from Washington and from Moscow if it can not contain Korea Of the North. The ever closer relationship with Russia has to be read in this general picture: the need for an important partner on an international level, Moscow has increased its diplomatic weight with the choice to enter the Syrian War to balance American power. The United States, in spite of Trump's isolationist temptations, must still continue to play its role as the first international power, because they want weapons and industry lobbying and military leaders. On the other hand, for Moscow, the relationship with China is economically essential, with an exchange that by the end of 2017 can reach 80,000 million dollars, a sum for a country still subject to sanctions. Trump's advent has led to a decrease in American influence over Europe, where the contrasts with the new US administration have led Brussels to become more and more autonomous and important on the international stage. Despite this, however, the distance between Europe and the United States has brought about a substantial approximation of Brussels to Beijing, especially on environmental issues, which can lead to a substantial increase in relations between the two sides. This fact concerns Putin, because relations between Moscow and Europe are still tight, both in the Ukrainian question and in the pressures of the Eastern Union members and the Baltic republics, are exerting themselves on Brussels, precisely in anti-Russian terms Especially for the fear of some, unlikely, Moscow military initiative against them. The meeting, for Putin, is of particular importance in trying to establish closer ties with China to prevent closer cooperation with Europe. The situation is therefore constantly evolving, and beyond what is obviously apparent, it seems unlikely to be hypothesized that this meeting is also of particular importance to the relations between the two states, which despite appearances have more than one Reason to be competitors, if not adversaries, in the international political scene.

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