Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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giovedì 22 febbraio 2018

According to Amnesty International, rights violations are on the rise

The analysis carried out by Amnesty International, in its annual report, presents a situation of violation of the most complete rights, which goes beyond the classical examination of the violations of human rights, which occurred through the use of violence, but also examines the decrease in social rights, which occurred due to the austerity and impoverishment of Western countries, which caused death due to the increasingly scarce health and food assistance. The general discourse concerns politics and is intimately connected to the rise to power of characters increasingly distant from a democratic vision, but based on social instincts caused by a distorted perception of the management of public affairs. The taking of power, always happened in a democratic way, by these rulers was due to political campaigns based on the management of hatred and discrimination of social groups already widely marginalized, such as minorities, refugees or immigrants. The success of these arguments is due to unfavorable economic and financial situations, which have diminished the capacity for bargaining power of the middle and lower classes, whose discontent has been channeled towards political forms that express interests completely opposed to those of the electorate from which they take the votes. In this way a sort of political short circuit has been created where the initial reduction of rights has fueled a further decrease of the same with the approval of those who have been damaged by these policies. In practice this has resulted in more deaths in industrialized countries due to health care restrictions and worse overall economic and social conditions. Western governments, often guilty of these failings, are the same ones who have not reacted to personal rights violations in countries like Syria, Iraq, Venezuela or Burma. There were no two types of interventions: the first in crisis areas, to avoid or limit the conflicts that have caused the death of numerous civilians, the latter in a detached attitude towards the problem of the resulting migrations. The rich countries have ended up in a sort of rejection of immigration that has taken on such seriousness as a humanitarian tragedy. In this they distinguished the countries of Eastern Europe and Australia, which have implemented particularly harsh policies against refugees. The worsening of the protection of the rights and the less protection of the populations hit by wars, did not concern only the states, but also the United Nations, which did not find suitable instruments, both diplomatic and military, to reduce the suffering of civilians in theaters of war. Particular attention has been paid to the increasing limitations on press freedom, a phenomenon that is expanding precisely with the reduction of rights: it is no coincidence that countries like China, Turkey and Hungary, just to give some examples , have reported cases of persecution of journalists, who have gone hand in hand with human rights violations. At the same time, the social manipulation that occurs through the dissemination of false news, often orchestrated on the mandate of state entities, is connected with the violation of rights, because it consists of an instrument of address and pressure towards specific objectives, such as immigrants. Because of the complexity of this scenario, according to Amnesty International, the world would have entered a situation of partially new degradation, precisely because the violation of rights would be spreading to the rich, industrialized countries and this would further aggravate the situation of the countries poor. Moreover, a minor commitment to the resolution of international crises is a fact, as well as the closure in themselves, typical of the US of Trump, or the lack of interest, such as China, or the interest for their own ends, such as Russia , are endogenous factors of the great powers, which influence, permit or facilitate the violation of the rights of minor states and always to the detriment of the civilian population. The general crisis is therefore exacerbated by irresponsible behavior of rich countries, both inside and outside, and this represents a very negative element, capable of determining the increase in denied rights and their specific weight, constituted by greater severity of violations.

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