Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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mercoledì 8 aprile 2020

The need to contain the pandemic in poor and warring countries

One of the aspects underestimated by the pandemic crisis is the scarce possibility of healing in war zones or in those territories of extreme poverty, where the lack of adequate health facilities, added to a poor state organization, can facilitate contagion and a number of victims destined to remain unknown or underestimated. The West is focused on itself, the conditions of the spread of the contagion in a certain sense justify this situation, and seem to neglect the appropriate interest in other issues, which, inevitably, cannot fail to have repercussions on the Western situation. If already under normal conditions in recent times the western powers were unable, for real reasons, to follow international events, currently the forced concentration on current health events seems to blur the ability to judge and act on world affairs. The pandemic did not stop the fighting, despite the United Nations' solicitations, and even the uneasy situations. But in the territories where there are situations of conflict, the health situation even before the spread of the pandemic was difficult is now even becoming dramatic. The inability to respect social distances and the shortage of medical devices produces a rapid spread of the pandemic state and therefore of the number of victims, leaving the tragic accounting of the reasons for the deaths not completed. After all, it does not matter, if you do not have pure statistical purposes, to know this when there is an obvious awareness that the poorest countries will pay a huge tribute in terms of deaths from the infection. Yet there is not only the war situation to complicate the implementation of prevention and treatment: there is the difficulty that rural regions, but also very inhabited, of many poor nations, have to access medical examinations and prophylaxis for the lack of medical aids, poor hygiene standards and the lack of possibility, however, to put them into practice due to bad habits also by governments, often corrupt, engaged in quite different matters than the well-being of their citizens. All these aspects must interest and worry Western governments, especially European ones, because after the war, hunger, the lack of respect for rights and the lack of prospects, which are the causes of migration, the pandemic must now be added. among the causes that determine migration. For what is now worth the further lesson of the pandemic, it says that the right to health is much more than an abstract requirement, but a reason for convenience even for the so-called richer states; moreover, at this moment the current crisis shows how the underestimation of these events produces, beyond the many losses that could have been avoided, the compression of the economy, generating insecurity and suspension of rights, causing new and negative situations even in rich countries. The effort, at this moment, is aimed within each country, however abandoning entire populations to themselves is not a right choice; it is necessary to support those who are already present on site, such as humanitarian organizations, which have emergency structures capable of containing the infection. The support must proceed along two parallel lines: on the one hand with economic and logistical aid, to allow operational continuity and the control of already known areas and situations; on the other hand, to pursue every possible diplomatic solution for the suspension of conflicts and the facilitation of the movement of people to allow them to reach the medical facilities. This would also be a sort of test to facilitate general dialogue at all levels and new forms of global cooperation capable of promoting peace and the spread of progress.

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