Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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mercoledì 10 aprile 2013

The causes of the North Korean crisis

The reasons for the North Korean crisis are inherent in the historical development that the country has gone through since the 50's of last century. The nation of Stalinist imprint since its inception, has focused its development on the doctrine of self-sufficiency, which resulted in a gradual but substantial isolation, particularly by those countries which could be the natural allies of Pyongyang: the Soviet Union and Mao's China. With the passing of time, the transformation of these economies of capitalist countries, and also with new political systems, the isolation of North Korea in the international community has become more acute: relations with Moscow, although in existence, are rarefied while the strongest bond, if this definition can be applied to the relationship between Beijing and Pyongyang, was with China, although developments of these days they doubt the actual Chinese influence, so far taken for granted, the country North Korea. For the rest of the relations with the other states are sporadic and small, so that the embassies in Pyongyang are only a dozen, and the country has thus gained the definition of hermit nation. If this was the substantial evolution of international relations, developed within a singular form of Marxism-Leninism, centered on the cult of personality, very extreme, so as to become the only country with a socialist stamp transmission of power through dynastic . The sacredness of the main figure, beginning with what is known as the nation's founder Kim Il-Sung, has become comparable examples of the remote past of history, when the king was recognized as a sacred power so as to identify with the deity, but that transposed to the present day has turned into a parody situation, bordering on the ridiculous. Are a clear example of the statues, rationalistic mold, which depict the dictator poses tragicomic. The doctrine of self-sufficiency, with the second member of the family communist Kim Jong-Il, was accompanied by a distinctive feature of the rule of the military, logical development of the need for omnipotence of the regime. This scenario has created a military caste, which, beyond the folk aspects of the structure of the state, appears to be the true class of the country holding the power. The military, in fact, will be the largest part of the state budget, as a tribute to the objectives of the supremacy of the armed forces in a framework of stability of the regime, who have created a social property and is subject to hierarchies, thanks to a strict control of the state apparatus. In such a situation, economic growth overshadowed, by the attest capable of living on bare subsistence levels, often not achieved, as shown by the food crises and famines that have afflicted the country. Despite this climate, somewhat muffled by the hierarchies of power, Kim Jong-Il had realized the need for economic reform in a position to form an industrialization of the country, although under careful control of the ruling classes. But the many years of stagnation and social policy have prevented even the smallest reforms for fear of endangering the scaffolding that supported the regime, for fear of remote trigger social unrest. The current leader, Kim Jong-Un, who represents the third generation of North Korean dictators, is in charge of the country for two years and came to power practically at the mercy of the military structure. Do not know the real intentions or the actual power that the new leader has available and, indeed, there are reasonable doubts about his real autonomy. As a matter of fact is that the attitude of Kim Jong-Un has deeply changed after his inauguration, when he spoke of an economic transformation of the country, thanks to a process of industrialization, which seemed to be able to do the country out of its international isolation. If these intentions were true, even if only minimally, must have collided with the fear of the military rank of a potential significant loss of their power, which could be a sign of the profound deterioration of the internal situation, due to the combination of several factors: the First is the endemic poverty of the North Korean people, that because of food shortages may have altered some internal equilibria, the second is the worsening of the situation in the country due to the sanctions regime imposed on nuclear testing and signed, for the first time , also from China, and third is the need to overcome the first two factors through the immediate availability of resources to relieve the internal scenario, with the instrument of military blackmail, whose recipients are not the United States, where it can get very little , but China, thanks to the threat to subvert the delicate regional balance, necessary to businesses in Beijing. If this analysis is true, that Pyongyang is the move of desperation, which can only lead to the implosion of the regime, the question is how long will the dissolution of the regime and how much will affect the delicate structures, both political and economic terms of an area now neuralgic for the planet.

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