Politica Internazionale

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venerdì 7 marzo 2014

The increasingly urgent need to reform the UN Security Council

There was no need for confirmation , but the Ukrainian crisis has again highlighted the futility of the UN Security Council , the international body appointed to the discussion and solutions to protect international security and global stability , the threats that arise. The solution should be a redefinition of skills and access to polling stations , permanent or otherwise, who can redefine the functions , powers and the ability to intervene in the crisis management. In essence it seems increasingly necessary structural reform that changes the ways of dealing with critical situations and overcome the logic of both the veto , that of the permanent members . This is not to destroy the UN, which is the only channel of worldwide debate is always open , though often widely , not only insufficient , but useless , but to reform it with criteria which satisfy the current logic , which no longer correspond to the situation that was created at the end of World War II . If the UN peacekeeping must travel should not be bound by a distorted use of the instrument of veto exercised on the basis of individual state interests rather than the public interest. The countries with permanent seats with veto rights have been proven to not know how to manage the need to protect the rights and world peace , especially because within their own boundaries the same rights are not protected . The power they hold, through the right to vote , he often locked in useless negotiations the fate of millions of people , who could not take advantage , in the course of recent history, the right protection , for which the UN itself was born. The chronic lack of the application of international law, not protected by those countries which had to do it , through the exercise of their activities at the headquarters of the Security Council legitimized them has to be filled, at least in a stable way , that position. The same countries, on the other hand , you are made the bearers of change, although in different ways , to the phenomenon of globalization, which is the exact opposite of an international oligarchy which is the current structure of the Security Council . To undermine this situation and to ensure a division and sharing of power that can involve the other states is necessary to overhaul regulations that govern the operation of the United Nations . Moreover, this requirement has already been represented by many, even in times of increased international peace , just to prevent future system failures . However, if the U.S. and Russia , who are now experiencing one of the greatest periods of tension from the end of the Cold War , are of international locations distant, on the subject of the revision of the Security Council , are perfectly aligned and so Britain and China on the maintenance of the status quo . This fact , however, is unacceptable precisely because of the results, scarce, so far achieved . If the Ukrainian case is a very serious violation of international law manifests itself , but at the same time poses fundamental questions about the right to self-determination of peoples, other less obvious cases they need to be treated daily . The growing emergencies due to famine , but also to the systematic violation of human rights in different parts of the world, can not be liquidated with declarations of good intentions , but they have a need for a practical approach that can provide solutions in a timely manner. The prevention of emergency situations , then , appears literally left the case . Only more slender bodies with capacity of concrete intervention can act with the results. The streamlining of bureaucratic procedures is the first step , resulting , however, a different and more political involvement of all member countries . A system of periodic rotation of seats in the Security Council , consisting of a balanced proportion of the various global trends that can take decisions by majority vote, the definitive exclusion of permanent seats and the establishment of some sort of world government with its own departments , with expertise well-defined beyond which can not go beyond , it seems the most appropriate solution , especially if you come to the creation of a body capable of giving some form of international law , and assisted by legal courts can punish the offense in some way to the state level even before that of the individual. The discussion should , however, be more deeply felt especially by those states or supranational bodies, such as the EU or the Arab League , which can , with their influence in a concrete way to start a reform project that has as its first objective the effectiveness and practicality of the United Nations.

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