Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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martedì 14 ottobre 2014

Two shots to the international credibility of Israel

Two hard blows to the image of Israel came by two political parties is very important on the international scene. On the one hand the serious reminder of the Secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, who has condemned in an exemplary manner the government's intention to Tel Aviv to build 2,600 new housing units in the area of competence of the Palestinians, on the other hand the request of parliament English at the British Government to recognize Palestine as an independent state. The prosecution of the Secretary-General of the United Nations is a major reputational damage to the state of Israel, because it comes from the highest office of the most important supranational institution and gives an idea of ​​how the climate between the majority of its members is now oriented. It does not appear, in fact probable, that this statement has not been weighted to a higher level of charge-only single judge; also plans to visit Gaza, after the bloody war that has resulted in thousands of civilian deaths, the work is an implicit condemnation of Israel; Moreover, the visit to the Gaza Strip following the participation in the donors' conference, held in Egypt, where they were collected more than 4,000 million euro for reconstruction. A further criticism was addressed by Ban Ki-moon to the challenges held by the religious right in Israel's holy sites for Islam in Jerusalem. The response of Netanyahu, after accusing the UN of smuggling of weapons to Hamas, has traced the usual pattern, like a broken record, which plans to identify any criticism of Israel as an obstacle to the peace process. The Secretary of the UN was not limited to criticism, but has asked both parties to restore confidence to resume the peace negotiations. However, have interpreted as sending the wrong signals intentions to build new settlements, foreshadows a clear responsibility, that the highest authority of the UN, seems attributable to the Israeli state against the blockade of the peace process. Equally eloquent, seems to be the adoption of the resolution, although not binding on the government, which approved the British parliament, which requires the executive to London, the recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state entity. The official position of David Cameron, that is to support the negotiations for the formation of two states, exit so strengthened and the specific gravity of the UK within the diplomatic scene, will oblige the government in Tel Aviv with appropriate reflections. Also because the decision of Sweden, the first European member to recognize Palestine, now will most likely have a sequel; In this regard it should be noted that Poland, Slovakia and Hungary had already recognized that status already before becoming members of the EU. For Israel, this recognition process is likely to increase within the European Union, condemning Tel Aviv to an increasing isolation, as well as charge the Israeli state the greatest responsibility for the failure of negotiations. For Israel, it would deal with a international public opinion increasingly deployed for a fair resolution of the negotiations on the two-state solution, which would oblige the government in Tel Aviv to block his expansionist plans on that, according to the Treaty of 1967, is Palestinian territory.

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