Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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martedì 21 aprile 2015

The tragedy of migrants highlights the division in the European Union and its paralysis

One of the major consequences of political instability and poverty in some regions of the world is constituted by the phenomenon of migration. Entire parts of the population of one or more nations moving necessity. Because of the famine or the denial of civil rights, large numbers of people make their way to those countries that hold more resources and therefore are considered goals that improve the quality of life. These are not parasites, or rather it is not the great majority of them, but of people trying to escape from the nightmare of hunger, poverty and violence. It is a human attitude, which should not be difficult to understand. The goal of this migration, which do not follow the regular path established by the law of the destination countries, there is Europe, that a relative prosperity, adds a central geographical position, the two factors added together constitute the target less difficult to achieve , which does not mean easy, for the desperate fleeing from their countries. About immigration, however, we must not look to the old continent as a single body, the rest of the common European identity falters, they lack common political institutions and Brussels seems to be activated only in the face of accounts and budget requirements. Lack higher against the arrivals of illegal immigrants is the absence of a common sense of borders and their management: the face of what the division of the European Union countries is clear: on the one hand those countries, especially in the southern part the continent, but not only, as also the eastern part of Europe is subject to this pressure, it must manage the migration without any assistance of the central institutions, while on the other hand there are the states of central Europe or Nordic, representing the preferred destination for refugees. Their positions are different because the former have to support the effort of the first impact, the arrival of the refugees, while the latter, so say, are facing the large amount of requests for asylum. For the second kind of country, those belonging to the first should act as a filter and prevent as much as possible the arrival of persons who then, inevitably, they will try to reach the north of the continent. This mink are placed perfectly on the project and the goals of the operation Triton, that the European Union has decided not to provide humanitarian aid, but to defend the southern borders of Europe, among others on a budget totally inadequate. It should be stressed that the governments of the countries of northern Europe are conditioned by a phenomenon that is increasingly populist and xenophobic political parties, which exploit the economic crisis to gain votes by associating the scarcity of resources available with the inability to transfer migrants. This political pressure forced the government forces, substantially moderated to take action to prevent the loss of votes, which came to fruition in shares of non-support to countries that had to endure the emergence date from the first impact of the arrival of waves of migration. It must be specified that all this is done in conjunction with the absence of a strong institutional presence policy and authoritative able to mediate between the various needs with a general internal legislation, supported by an effective foreign policy. Never before in the case of emergency immigration highlights the structural weakness of the European Union, which remains a subject internationally strongly weak. On the other hand it is a fact that Brussels is one of the largest providers of funding for international cooperation, but that the manner in which these contributions are paid not know how to ensure the returns in terms of prestige and influence, such as to allow management or a participation in the management of emergencies on the same territory where they are originated, which often coincides with the allocation of funding. This signals, so obvious, that Europe has neglected foreign policy to focus too much on the financial one, thus neglecting the effects of poor international weight, which is also reflected on the internal balance. There was, in fact, a political union, and we were a form of aggregation based only on finance, which proved then only in favor of some states and to the detriment of others, creating tensions and aversions to a perception, often concrete, a Europe stepmother. Even the slowness with which they are convened meetings of the ministers of the member countries, which should have urgency, denote organizational deficiencies worrying, that does not authorize any optimism. Instead the need has this sense of urgency, but it is certainly not the only, nor the first time, but the sad story of the tragedy of migrants could result in a serious reflection on the policy instruments of the Union, for their thorough review: hope costs nothing, even if the premises are not going in the direction of optimism.

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