Netanyahu's decision to bring down the last government and early elections, was not dictated by the desire to ensure the country a better governance, but to secure it to its new executive. The disagreement with important members of the former majority, which is not singled out as strategic and essential travel up to its conclusion, the project of the two countries, provoked harsh friction in the government, which had resulted in a substantial immobility on conduct that would hold the head of ' executive. On the other hand it was a center-right government certainly, but very diverse, with liberal leaders got together to share the country's rate of nationalist leanings and very focused on the problem of the settlers, a factor that greatly reduced the view necessary to solve the many problems of a nation increasingly introverted and facing a major economic crisis. The election results came out from the polls the last electoral contest returned a highly fragmented parliament, he did understand immediately that the much sought-governance would be very difficult to achieve. Despite the victory Platonic Netanyahu, who has seen his training to become the largest party, obtained with the allocation of 30 seats in the Israeli parliament has increased the parties and reach the fateful minimum quota of 61 seats, ensuring a relative majority it has become more difficult. Not only we speak to assemble a force from the mathematical point of view, as politically. The difficulties being encountered in the premier instructed tell clearly how his attempt to achieve greater governability to ensure the performance of its programs has already failed even before forming the new government. The future that promises to Israel is to a country even more blocked by the internal equilibrium of an executive crushed the excessive nationalism. Once again, the country is likely to remain focused on the Israeli issue of how to extend their territory, without resolving the Palestinian issue and even economic, in a climate of global isolation, that will only harm the national assets, sentencing him to even greater closure. Following their bargaining power, despite the few deputies obtained, the ultra nationalist and religious parties, likely to ruin all the plans from the beginning of Netanyahu, who despite his setting, may well have set a policy too focused on nationalistic themes and conditioned by religious movements. Remember that after receiving the task of forming the government, Netanyahu had contradicted himself and what was said during the election campaign, claiming to want to get the two-state solution; do not know if what was promised, it was sincere or was for the sole benefit American ally or if constituted yet another political tactic to appease world opinion, but with these prospects aggregation policy, the goal of two states seems to move away permanently , exposing the country to renewed conflict with the White House, Europe and the United Nations. But now the most urgent problem is to respect the deadline to present the new government to the president. If Netanyahu could not even reach this first level, its failure would be enormous, with severe impairment on its political future; the alternative to the Israeli president is to entrust the task of forming the new government to the leader of the Labour Party, Herzog, who would still facing an impossible task. It does not appear feasible nor a solution to the German, that includes an executive of large cartels, which could cut off the extreme wings: the behavior of Netanyahu held until now seems to be able to reconcile the coexistence with other personalities, who would not like the supremacy of 'member of the previous government, unless we can find an agreement on the project of the two states. In this case you could check the sincerity of what was said by Netanyahu.
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