Politica Internazionale

Politica Internazionale

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venerdì 17 maggio 2019

The alliance in Europe between the popular and the socialist could end

The alliance in Europe between socialists and popular people looks set to end. The different political visions seem to favor new forms of alliances connected to the May 26 vote. For the socialists, an alliance could emerge that includes the ruling party in France up until the Greek party in Greece. In this political interval there are included various political nuances ranging from the technocratic left center, more central than the left, up to the pragmatic left, able to abdicate its dogmas to favor economic stability and permanence within the Union. It is a heterogeneous group that rejects the rigidity of the budget imposed by the popular Germans, which has produced profound inequalities, both between European countries, and between the social classes also within the same nation, causing a deterioration of the quality of life of the European citizens and causing the negative perception of the idea of ​​a united Europe. The approach of this possible coalition is to try to break the pattern of budget rigidity to favor a more positive idea of ​​Europe, able to awaken and stimulate European sentiment to be able to aggregate those movements that see European unity as the only possible opposition to the powers present in the current world scenario, with which it is not possible to compete with the strength of the individual divided countries. To do this it is necessary to favor, among other things, the idea of ​​a foreign policy as common as possible: an objective that can only be achieved with a particularly favorable vision of European institutions. This passes through a different redistribution of income, the ability to promote employment and norms that must no longer be experienced as taxes. What is needed is to combat the reasons that favored sovereignty and anti-European forces. Although starting from some understandable reasons, the sovereign forces have developed a negative evolution because illiberal and often borderless in fascism, not by chance the far-right parties of the continent have merged into this movement. The break between socialists and the popular is also due to the assessment that the combination of the two forces could no longer reach the quorum necessary to govern, precisely because the political distances of the two parts have increased. If the socialists intend to pursue a more displaced policy on the left, the populace, who are center force, can only turn their gaze to the right. As long as the dialogue is with liberal forces or the conservative classical right wing, the common ground is not a problem, more difficult to find a shared approach with the extreme right or the sovereign and anti-European movements. The issue is difficult because in the popular minds the idea of ​​Europe remains central and the Brussels institutions represent a cornerstone for development. An idea could be to start a dialogue with the sovereign forces, also accepting some of their less extreme proposals, to integrate them in a more moderate arrangement. If this intention is laudable, one cannot be sure of the possible result. What appears to be difficult is a functional dialogue in the European interest if this alliance can have a majority. There is too much distance, even historical, not to foresee continuous disagreements and lengthy negotiations to lengthen the timing of decisions. On the contrary, tactics could give more results if an alliance of this kind were in opposition, where the lack of exercise of power could favor less dialogue against the achievement of results. In any case, a new phase opens up for Europe that will surely lead to transformations with respect to the past: from the political alchemies will derive the institutional structures that will govern global challenges. The hope is to find people and ideas at the height of their task.

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